Chapter 8

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I tip-toe across Phil's room. The door is open, and he's lying in front of Abbie. The two of them are whispering things -probably- about their wedding, as that's all they've been talking about when they weren't kissing. Come to think of it, they haven't been talking or kissing in the last week.

My phone rings loudly, so I sprint into the kitchen, not wanting to disturb the happy couple.

"Hello? Who's this?" I whisper into the phone.

"Hi Dan, it's Michaela. Um... I'm having trouble setting up my microwave. Could you come over and help me?"

Oh yeah Dan! You know all about microwaves...

"Sure! I mean, I'm not the best person to ask, but I could figure something out!" I laugh lightly through the phone.

"Thanks a million, Dan! Melanie's disappeared somewhere, if that'll hurry you up!" She giggles.

"On my way now, right now!" I shout through the phone, hanging up. I leave the house, walking through the cold, wet but sunny street.

"Dan, come in!" She shouts from her window before I even knock on the door.

I walk in to the strange girly smell of the house. The kitchen is exactly the same as ours (all the kitchens were the same). I wait at the table, hearing footsteps running down the stairs.

"Hi, Dan! I haven't even started with the microwave, and yet I'm already having difficulty. How the hell do you open this?!" She laughs, waddling in carrying a giant box. I take the heavy box from her politely and lay it on the table. It was COVERED in Sellotape.

I whip my Swiss Army Knife out of my pocket and hold it up to my face. Michaela's eyes widen in fear.

"Jesus, Dan why do you have that?!" She asks, staring at me.

"Well... You never know when you might need it" I smile. She smiles back, shrugging. Her phone starts ringing, she points her finger at me to say she'll be one minute.

"Dia duit, conas atá tú? She smiles. What??

"Tá fearr sa mó cistín, slán!"

"So anyway-" I interrupt her. "What language was that?!" I ask in amazement. I've never heard it before.

"Irish... Sure that's here I'm from isn't it?" She smiles.

"Oh... I could have sworn Irish people spoke English!"

"They do, but I like go talk Irish sometimes!" She giggles at my confusion.

I open the microwave box (eventually!) and laugh like an idiot.

"What's so funny?" She asks. She looks in the box and starts laughing too.

All you had to do was plug it into the wall!

"I'll take it from here, as you know I'm a microwave expert" I joke, winking at her.

"Did you know that microwave is an onomatopoeia?" I say, plugging the microwave into the wall. "If you listen closely, you can hear it go microwave microwave microwave"

"Really? Lets try it out! Do you want to make popcorn?" She asks, not even needing my reply, she opens the cupboard and pulls out a box of popcorn.

We stand beside the microwave, and Michaela presses the side of her face to the glass door. It suddenly beeps loudly, and she falls to the floor laughing again.

"What is up with you and falling over?" I chuckle, holding out my hand to help her. She gladly accepts the offer, giggling as I help her up. She takes the popcorn out of the microwave, savouring the smell. She pulls out a big handful and throws it at me.

"Onomatopoeia my ass!" She laughs. Shoving popcorn into her mouth.

She's so beautiful, even though she's struggling to eat all the popcorn she just shovelled in her mouth.

Dan, you don't even know her! What are you talking about?!

"Do you want to watch a movie?" She says, after swallowing the giants amount of popcorn.

"You didn't even need to ask!" I smile, as I follow her into the living room.


I pace the bedroom back and forth with worry. I shake my head.

Do I tell him?

Has he noticed?

Isn't there enough pressure on him?

Am I ready?

Phil walks in from the bathroom in his lion t-shirt and his boxers.

"Phil I think I'm pregnant." I blurt out, covering my mouth.

Phil smiles wider than I've sever seen him smile before. His jaw drops, even through he's still smiling and he looks up, and closes his eyes tightly.

"A baby- my baby- your baby- our baby-" he babbles on, his voice getting higher as he talks. He cups his face in his hands, laughing.

"I know!" I burst into tears if happiness. He hugs me tightly, as I bury my face into his chest.

He pulls away and grabs my wrists, sharing them slowly.

"I'm going to be a dad, what?" He shivers with excitement.

"Wait, how do you know?" He says, calming down slightly.

"I missed my period for a week now, I haven't taken a test yet but I will and.. Oh my god. Imagine us as parents? But okay... We better not get worked up, it mightn't be happening" I whisper.

"Look on the bright side! A baby Lester! And WE'RE GETTING MARRIED IN A MONTH!" He squeals. Phil wants to be a dad, I want to be a mum. Dan... Hopefully didn't hear any of that. I'm in cloud nine right now, and it'll take a lot to get me down!


A/N: A baby Lester? :D YASSSSSSSS!

This chapter was kinda short, but it's early so I'll write a better one later to make up for it!

I'm not having the best week, but today is a good day because I made it to the B-List on that Kim K game! I'm just happy today :)

Stay awesome Danosaurs! Xxx


In Your Arms - A Danisnotonfire (Dan Howell) FanfictionsWhere stories live. Discover now