Chapter 9

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Of all movies to watch, we watched Shrek.

"Wow.. I love Shrek!" Laughs Michaela as the ending credits roll.

"What can I say, Shrek is love, Shrek is life" I say. She punches me playfully in the arm.

"No but in all seriousness Shrek is one of my all time favourite things..." She says seriously. "Well apart from anal!" I joke and we once again burst into hysterics. As we calm down I sit up straight wiping a year from my eye. I check my phone to see a missed call from Phil.

"Hold on a second I need to call Phil, I'll be two seconds." I dial his number and he answers instantly.

"Hi, Dan we need you to come over as soon as possible we have some really good news," he says, overjoyed. "We'd rather if you were her so we can tell you- where are you actually?"

"I'm at Michaela's. I'll be over in a minute, okay?" I hang up.

"Phil needs me, I'll talk to you later, okay? And if you ever need help you know where I am!" I smile, waving at Michaela as I leave the house.

What could Phil want?

I unlock the door and walk into the living room where Abbie and Phil were seated beside each other smiling like idiots.

Well by the looks of it Abbie had something to say too

"Okay, sit down Dan!" Grins Abbie, unable to contain her excitement.

"What's up?" I ask, slowly sitting down.

"Do you wanna say?" Says Phil, staring into Abbie's eyes.

"I might be..." What? JESUS, WHAT ARE YOU ABBIE?

"Pregnant..." She shouts, squirming in her seat. Phil, almost squirming too.

"Pregnant?" I ask, shocked.

Pregnant? Where does that leave me? "Pregnant? Oh... Okay wow... Um.. Phil is going to be a dad?! You're going to be a mum?!" Oh my god, I can't believe this is happening to me. Will I have to move out? What do I do?

"Well, we don't know for sure! I haven't taken a test yet."

"Well I'm really happy for you two." I mutter, leaving the sitting room, staring at the disappointment in their faces. What am I doing with my life? Phil is going to get married and have children, and I'm single and living with an almost married couple!

Why does this have to happen to me?

I take my phone out to text Michaela.

I need to get out. Want to go do something? - Dan

She quickly replied.

Yes please! Melanie's wrecking my head over here, I'm actually about to explode!" D: - Michaela

I put my phone down to call for her. Michaela just is a person I want to talk to right now. I barely know her, but I feel like I have for all my life!


I walk out of the house quickly, escaping Melanie's annoying nagging while she eats crisps and watches stupid reality shows on the telly.

"Hi, Dan!" I shout. I walk over to him and smile widely. "What's the crack?" I ask, looking up to him.

"What???" He asks, puzzled.

"What is the crack?" I drag my words out long enough to hear him.

"What does that mean?" He asks mimicking me, throwing his arms everywhere.

"It's means any news, any crack, like?" I giggle.

"Yeah... No not much. Phil might be a father, and I'm having an existential crisis because I don't know what to do with my life! And you don't know anything about the Phil being a father part" he blabbers.

"I know how you feel. I really don't know what I'm doing with my life.." I sigh sadly.

"That makes two of us!" Smiles Dan, holding out his hand for me. Dan wants to hold my hand? I take it without hesitation as he walks me to the park.

He sits down on the bench and I sit beside him. I rest my head on his shoulder, and he rests his head on mine.

"I don't know if you realised, but I hate Melanie. Just thought I'd mention that!" He blurts out, as we both giggle quietly.

"Well, I wasn't well one time. I was really depressed and suicidal and you didn't hear any of that, but she came to me, and she helped me get back on my feet" I whisper. The memories came flooding back, but Dan was like a force field, protecting me from those memories. "But yeah, she's an annoying bitch" I say, giggling to myself.

"You're something, you know that?" Dan laughs.

I giggle softly at his comment.

I feel a raindrop on my nose, and notice other drops landing on the floor.

"Hey Dan, have you ever heard of Death Note?" I felt him smiling on the side of my face.

"Yes, let's go to my house right now, I have the box set!"

I dance on the seat in excitement. Dan and I stand up, but this time he puts his arm around my shoulder. It felt different, but it felt right!


Short chapter again sorry! I'm just busy rn:)

Dan didn't seem to take the whole "baby" thing too well, but I can see why!

I want to have Phil's babies... Just saying ;)

~_fanficyoutubeaddict_~ xxx

In Your Arms - A Danisnotonfire (Dan Howell) FanfictionsWhere stories live. Discover now