"It all depends. Alyssa is very sweet and Richard can have his moments, so can the boys." I nodded then my brain just stopped working .

"Boys, do Richard and Alyssa have kids?" I croaked. One or two sons could be cool. Always wanted a little brother or sister.

"Oh so you didn't know? Richard has 5 sons." I fell forward because he stopped and out of shock. 5 freaked sons, wtf, how was I not informed.

I couldn't imagine what some of my friends mothers went through with just one son, but 5, God damn, that women must have had one hell of a strong vj to do that.

"But don't worry, the boys might seem like a handful but they're really sweet." He is voice was light when he spoke of the family, so he must be fond of them.

We got to a red light and I heard a ping, Richard pushed a button and it showed his text on the radio screen. Damn, now I feel poor again, go me. I looked up and scooted forward in my seat, squinting i read the text.

Pick up some food for use at pei way or Fire House Subs. You already know what we want. Douglas pushed another button and spoke, "Text Jordan, why can't the maids make you something? "

I heard another ping and the message was sent. Damn these people really know how to make you feel bad about yourself.

Another ping went off and I squinted to read it again, i would but the maids are my here today and we're hungry. We 'ok add the cost to your pay this week.

Douglas sighed and asked, "can we go pick up some food please? I know you just got here-" I cut him off. "Its fine, I was hungry anyways."

I have $200 just in case cash and $80 for spending. I didn't spend a dime of the money I made at Zooms this whole break and a little before. Had to save it for when I got out. I saw him now and we changed courses.

After ordering 6 sandwiches at Fire House Subs we sat down and waited. "So do you have any pictures of these infamous boys?" Douglas smiled, " why yes I think I have some in my

People still keep pictures in they're wallets, I'm shook, isn't that what phones are for. Well I don't have the right to talk, as Darrin says my phones a fossil, But at least it can take pictures.I

He opened his wallet and passed it to me. And there they were, five 5th through 6th grade boys. And I was even more shocked when two of the boys looked identical. Of course the mother had to have twins. Damn, she must have been torn up, represent queen represent.

I passed his wallet back when they called out names for our order. We grabbed the bags and went to the car. These boys mus t eat a lot because they all for like 15 bags of chips and foot long sandwiches.

All stuffed with meat, and I'm a carnivore no doubt, sorry vegans and vegetarians but I can't do it. I tried once and it lasted an hour because they made bacon and eggs. Bitch needs her bacon.

I was taken out of my thoughts when we started to drive up to this gate. Douglas rolled down the window and types a password in, the gate opened and we drove through.

I'm in absolute awe, they're were trees everywhere and I thought I saw a lake and a park, they're was two more buildings that looked like houses before we pulled up into so me sort of mansion. It wasn't a mansion mansion but a hella big house.

Two maybe three stories, white, large, pristine, and all around expensive. Douglas parked his car in front and popped the trunk, he grabbed the food and we exited out the car.

I grabbed my single suitcase and prepared myself. I am not going to turn into a rich snob i know that for sure. Poor is in my blood and I'm cool with that. Still makes me feel like shit looking at it but I accepted it.

We started to walk to the door, nothing seemed out of place, Douglas unlocked the door and I was even more shocked walking in.

The house was just as big and fancy inside. They're stairs leading up in the main hall, then the floor was sleek brown wood, the house was painted white and black.

Walking deeper there were hallways everywhere and then the living room was amazing, a huge flat screen tv, a couch that could fit to people, the carpet was like silk and there were decorations and pictures hanging up.

We went into the kitchen, I love to cook so this kitchen was like heaven, a steel fridge, a black island, long counters and a clean stove, microwave, a expensive oven and clean sink. Absolutely amazing, they're were stairs in the hallway to the living room so when Douglas walked out the kitchen and yelled food.

I heard a stamped of foot steps. Then the kitchen door came desalination and I was in utter shock at they first person I saw come in. We got yelled at the same time

"Its you!"
"What the f*ck?"

Me: hello my readers of anyone is reading this thank you. I like crapped my pants when I saw three people did. Because of that I'm continuing the story. I'm sorry about the editing of it was bad, I tried but auto correct and me being lazy and impatient is not a good mix. Ends with you wanting to Chuck your tablet but at the same time to lazy to do it or to fix the rest. So thank you you beautiful people reading this. And don't worry it starts to pick up from here. (Sly face emoji)

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