Chapter Nine: Mother

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Drizella: "The dark curse...Tell me that's not as bad as it sounds. Please." I asked, fearing the worst.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it is." Regina confirmed, for my biggest discontent.

Me and Ella stared at one another, with fear covering our faces.

"This is terrible."

"That's not even the half of it. We must stop Tremaine immediately. This curse will ruin the lives of everyone in this realm." Regina pointed out.

"I saw fairy dust in here, we can use it to immobilize Tremaine. It worked with you before, mom."

"I know, Henry, but Tremaine uses a fairy wand, I'd say fairy magic is her specialty, there's a chance she might escape. We need something else, stronger magic. I can try go a round two with her, but it may not be enough."

"I have an idea...But it's silly." I really had a plan, but when everyone looked at me with hopes I may save the day, it was foolish of me to think I could.

"Tell us, Drizella, right now any plan is good."

"Well...I was actually born with magic, but mother never let me cultivate it because she was afraid I'd use it to escape her. Do you think you could teach me how to use my magic? Then the two of us could fight my mother." I asked Regina, afraid she wouldn't accept being my teacher.

"Of course. That's great. The two of us, together, may have a chance to imprison Tremaine and stop her from casting this curse."

"That's brilliant, we have no time to waste, then. You and Drizella must train immediately." Henry said, proudly.

Regina and I went to the palace's gardens, I was so nervous my hands were shacking.

"Okay, let's to this gently. Let's start with moving objects with your mind."

Ouch! That was starting gently? She talked about moving objects with my mind as if it were something so easy that even a baby could do it.

"Okay, how do I do it?"

"Well...Let's try with this rock. The first thing you need to do is close your eyes and see the magic, feel it, don't rationalize it, feel it, let it engulf you with it's color...Let it in and allow it to materialize in reality."

Her speech was very detailed, she really understood a thing or two about magic. I tried to follow her instructions, I had my eyes closed and my hand stretched to the rock in front of me. I could listen to it being lift, I was so happy I was actually succeeding, that for instances, I opened my eyes, to see my glorious success. It was the dumbest thing to do. As I opened my eyes, the rock fell in front of me, instantly.

"I'm sorry, this is a waste of time, I'm sure you have better things to do." I said, in disdain of my own magical skills. I guessed I actually had a reason to never believe in myself or my magic, for all my life.

"Hey, don't go. It's okay. At first, I also had some hard times with magic. It's not that easy. But I didn't have the right guide. Luckily for you, you have. I promise to be tolerant, patient, you can take as much time as you need, it's okay. I sense great power inside you, Drizella, you just need the right motivation to spark it!" when Regina revealed that, she lifted her hand and a massive rock fell from the skies, ready to crush her head.

"Regina?!" I screamed her name, came rushing at her, with fear of what may happen next. "Regina, no!" I screamed, pointing my hands to the rock, not knowing exactly what I was doing.

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