Chapter Thirty-Nine

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His spot was a little outside of town, so it was a longer car ride than I wanted it to be. It was a small pond. There was an old wooden bench and table. The rail road tracks ran by up on the small hill next to us. "Here?" I ask surprised.

"Kind of," he says. He walks past the pond and up the hill. I follow him up the hill and see that he is standing in the middle of the tracks.

"Parker this is dangerous. What if a train comes?" I ask standing at the edge of the tracks.

"We get out of the way," he says.

"You're crazy," I say.

"Come on this is pretty cool. You have to admit that. I mean look around!" He holds his arms in the air to emphasize what he is saying. I shake my head at him, but then I look around. It is cool. The way the trees come over the tracks up high. It's like a tunnel.

"I like how the trees cover the tracks," I admit. He smiles at me and then steps towards me.

"Come on." He outstretches his hand and waits for me to take it. Reluctantly I take it and now we are both standing in the middle of the tracks. "Can you walk on the rail?" He asked next.

"I don't know. I've never done it because I'm not an idiot!"I say in a joking manner.

"But I'm an idot that you love, am I not?" He smirks at me and then let's go of my hand.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Step up on the rail," he instructs. I do what he tells me to and try to keep my balance best as I can. I watch as he steps up too. His balance on these rails was much better than mine. Probably because he came here and did this often, while I on the other hand have never done this before.

"What are we doing?" I ask.

"We are going to walk on the rails," he tells me.

"Why?" I ask.

"Why not?" He asks, smirking. I shook my head. But I started to walk forward along with him. We walked for a long time without speaking. Then I felt something shake and this time it wasn't my body. I looked down at the rails and saw that they were vibrating. "Parker get off the rails," I say as I step down from the rail.

"Why?" He looked confused.

"Parker just get off the rails," I repeat.

"Jenny there is nothing to worry about," he says.

"Parker get off the rail!" I shout at him.

"Why are you freaking out?" He asks. Then a train whistle blows. He stands still.
"Parker," I warn. Then I lose my patience. I run forward and grab Parker's arm. I pull both him and I off the tracks and then I collapse onto the ground. "Parker you son of a." But the train whistle drowned the rest of my sentence out. He sat down next to me and slung one arm around my shoulders. "You're an idiot," I say.

"Yeah, an idiot that you love," he points out.

"I know," I say. And we sat there watching the train that almost could have hit us roll off into he distance.

"Fifty two," he says.

"Fifth two what?" I ask as I look up at him.

"Train cars."

"You are so weird," I say.

"But you like weird," he smiles. Oh Parker, you have no idea.

"I like this spot," I say instead.

"It's nice isn't it?" He asks.

"Yeah," I agree. "Too bad I won't be able to see it for long."

"What do you mean?" He looked panicked.

"I'm leaving for college in two weeks," I inform. His face showed confusion, but his eyes showed pain. "It slipped my mind."

"Jenny we just got on good terms again and now you're leaving," he whispers. Too bad we never always on good terms.

"I know, I know. But it's not like I can hold off on leaving. I madd a decision when I accepted to go the this college. I'm not backing down. You can help me pack up my things. I still need to do that. And we can face time each other and talk on the phone every night if you want. I'll make time for you," I explain. Sorrow was laced on every word. He was right. We just got on good terms and now I am leaving him.

"Okay," is all he says. I nod my head and then look out. Everything was so still and peaceful here. Despite how tense the air around us now was. No wonder he liked to come here so much. It's so much better than being at home. Home. Soon my apartment in Arizona is going to be home. I made my decision to leave months ago. And yeah, Parker and I were friends again, but like I told him before, I made my decision. I had one reason for it. And now I'm picking the only solution: to leave and leave everything behind.

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