Chapter Eighteen

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I was pacing my closet. Back, forward, back, forward. What to wear? What to wear? Why am I freaking out about this anyway? It's not like it's a date, but if it was I would be reacting differently. I heard the doorbell ring. "Crap," I said aloud. I sighed and slipped on some jean shorts, a red ruffled tank, and red flip flops. I grabbed my Coach purse and phone that was sitting on the bed and then I spritzed three sprays of my new perfume. I looked in my mirror. My hair was down and my face was make-up free. I was finally satisfied.

"Jenny!" I heard mom call from downstairs.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I shout back. I opened the door and raced down th stairs trying not to trip on my flimsy flip flops. I slowed my pace when I got to the couch mom was sitting on. "Love you," I say kissing her cheek.

"Have a good time," she tells me. I walk to the door. If that is possible.

"Thanks mom," I say instead. I turn my head over my shoulder. "Are you sure you're okay with me ditching dinner?"

"Don't worry honey. I'll be fine. Just go enjoy yourself for once," she smiles at me and I smile back. I fling the door open and see Parker standing there.

"About time," he mutters, turning around.

"Well you're here early," I defend.

"Better than being late," he points out.

"Whatever," I mumble under my breath. I walk to the car behind him. I slipped my phone inside my purse and zipped it up before I climbed in the 300C Chrysler. I was familiar with cars, what can I say? I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath.

"Hey Jenny," I hear from the front seats it didn't sound like Mrs. Brookes, or Mr. Brookes. I looked to my side and found Ryan and Parker. I looked in front of me and saw Mrs. Brookes driving and Ashleigh in the passanger seat.

"Ashleigh what are you doing up there?" I tease.

"Mom said I could sit up front so you could sit with your friends," she smiles a wide smile. I laugh and reach for my seatbelt. I buckle myslf in and then Mrs. Brookes drives away babbling about how fun this was going to be. Oh we are going to have so much fun. Maybe.

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