Chapter Six

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Once I was back inside of my own house, I put my bag away and relaxed in my room. I chose to soak in a bath because honestly. I was a little sweaty. I dried my hair and grabbed one of my new books I bought last week. I love to read. I made my way over to my window seat and settled in. I turned to the first page of Looking for Alaska by John Green. I'm a fast reader, but I'm also a reader who doesn't read for long. But somehow, throught the whole day I did. Eventually, I got tired of reading. I set the book down. I sat up and stretched. I peer around at my nightstand to catch a glimpse of the clock. It was 5:30. That's when Mom gets home, or when she's supposed to. It's also her check in time. I make her call me at 5:30 everyday so I know if she is coming home or not. Call it stupid, whatever.

I started to freak out. Where's my phone? Come on Jenny. Where did you leave it last? I looked back on the day's events. I woke up early. Then I went to the roof, but I came inside and watched a movie. Then Ryan came over. I went to his house to catch for him. "Ah hah!" I exclaimed out loud. I hopped off the window seat and burst out of my door. I fled down the stairs and flung the front door open. I ran across the street and up the Brookes' driveway. I pounded on the door and waited for someone to answer. I heard the click of heels against wood on the other side of the door. The door opened and I saw Mrs. Brookes.

"Hey Mrs. Brookes. I think I left my phone in the kitchen can I grab it?" I greeted.

"Sure of course," she stepped to the side to let me in. I walked into the house, slowing my pace. I enter the kitchen as casually as possible. I scan the island for my phone and found it on the opposite side from where I was standing. I walk over and grab it checking to make sure there weren't any missed calls. There were eight missed calls spacing out every three exact minutes. I dialed Mom's number not caring if I was still in the middle of the Brooke's kitchen. Mom picked up right away.

"Jenny Angela Caligney. You sure as hell better have a damn good reason why you weren't picking up your phone. You're the one who makes me call you at this time every day and now you aren't the one answering. How does that work?" I could hear the anger in her voice. I closed my eyes and felt tears spill out of them.

"I left my phone at the Brookes' when I was catching for Ryan. I forgot about it," I say slowly. I bite my lip. She starts to swear. I hold the phone away from me and try to get my emotions straight. Don't cry Jenny. Don't cry. Don't cry. When she was done I spoke again. "I'm sorry. I won't forget again," I whisper.

"Damn right you won't. I ordered Chinese. I'm almost home. You better be home when I get home." And just like that, she ends the call. I hit the end button multiple times and then lower my phone. I opened my eyes and looked up. Parker, and both his parents were in the room. Parker and his dad were at the table and his mom was walking over to me. I wiped the tears away with my arm.

"Are you okay dear?" She asks stopping next to me.

I sniffle and try to smile. "Yeah I'm fine."

"If you would like, you are welcome to stay and eat with us. We just sat down," Mrs. Brookes offers.

"As nice as that sounds, Mom's bringing Chinese home. Maybe another time," I say.

"Take care of yourself dear. If ther is anything you need you come right over and ask," she tells me.

"Thank you," I look around. Mr. Brookes was watching me. He nodded his head and I gave a weak smile and then I looked at Parker. He was eating. He didn't say anything. He didn't even look at me.

"I'll walk you to the door." I nod my head and walk out to the door side by side wih Parker's mom. When we reached the door she opened it for me.

"Mrs. Brookes," I say quietly. She looks at me and I speak again. "What time is Ryan's game tomorrow?"

"Noon. Would you like to go?" She answers.

"Yeah I think I would. Where is it?" I ask next.

"The highschool," she says.

"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow then," I turn around and walk out of the house. I still don't understand why Mom yelled at me like she did. Was it that type of month? Did she have a bad day at work? Or is she just in a crappy mood?

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