Chapter One

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©Copyright FuturisticFantasy__ 2014

My first story ever. It seems a little lame in the beginning. Not going to lie. But please, cut me some slack. Read on though. It gets better :)

I did edit this story, but even so I probably did miss a few things. So sorry for that. Point them out or something and I'll fix them :)

"Maybe we shouldn't be friends!" he shouted at me.

"Why would you say that?" I shouted back at him.

"Because you were the one who started this!" he yells.

"I didn't start anything!" I exclaim.

"Then tell me why we are here shouting at each other in the middle of your pool when all of our friends and family are over by the fire," he whispers. I couldn't tell him. I would never tell him. I couldn't let anyone know my secret, let alone Parker because he was the secret. I just didn't have the heart, or sense of mind to tell him. But now because I didn't tell him here we were fighting in the middle of our pool.

"I can't," I finally say feeling hot tears fall down my cheek.

"Exactly my point," he growls. He starts to turn away, but spins back around and looks me in the eye. "Why can't you tell me this one thing?" he asks. I looked at him and saw the pain and sorrow in his eyes. God knows how I looked. He furrows his eyes and moves closer to me. Exactly in front of me actually. There was almost no space inbetween us. "Look me in the eye and give me a reasonable answer on why you can't tell me," he says. I watched as his eyes filled up with water. I have never seen him cry and it breaks my heart to see him do it now. Because of me.
"I can't," I whisper.

"Why not?" he yells at me. My eyes widen in shock at his anger. I was taken aback. He has not once yelled at me, ever.

"Because Parker!" I yell, but lower my voice directly after, "if I tell you my heart will break into a million pieces and I'm not ready for that." I look at him, but he was blurry from the new tears forming in my eyes. At first he doesn't do anything, but then he turns away without saying a word.

"That is a lame ass excuse and you know it," he shouts over his shoulder. I don't answer him. Instead I get off the noodle I was sitting on and swim to the edge of the pool. I hurried to the fire where my shoes and towel were. That's when I broke down. I swiped my shoes up and looked around me. There were so many chairs around the fire. My parents, Parker's parents, Parker's younger brother Ryan and his younger sister Ashleigh. Then there were my parent's friends and Ryan had a huge group of boys over. Most of them were in my grade and most of them were also friends with Parker. They were in our grade, so it made sense.

"Jenny are you all right?" my mother asks. I spin on my heel and start to walk away. It was dark. So dark that I could barely see in front of me. I heard footsteps from behind and started to run. I rushed into the house. I took the stairs two at a time. I have never wanted to be in my room so badly before. I reached the top of the stairs and rounded the corner into the hallway. I stepped into my room and threw my shoes against the wall. I let out a loud sob and crumbled to the floor. That's when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I looked and saw Parker.

"Get out," I growled.

"My stuff was in here," he snaps, "I was leaving anyways."

I pointed to the door, "then get out." He did as I told him too. He even slammed the door behind him. I closed my eyes and laid down on the gorund not caring for how hard and uncomfortable it would be.

I heard a scream. A loud scream that pierced my ears. Shortly after looking around I realized that the scream came from me. I put my hand up to my face and felt something wet. Tears. I got up from bed and looked at my clock. It read 1:45. Why do I always have to wake up early? I shook my head and tried to wipe the tears I shed away, but more kept coming making the job impossible. "Why me?" I whispered to myself, "why now?"

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