Chapter Twenty-Six

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The ride didn't last very long, not with Parker driving that is. He was almost twenty over the speed limit the whole time. I yelled at him to slow down, but he only smiled and went faster. It was pissing me off, but when we got to the lake's parking lot I practically jumped out of the car before it came to a complete stop. I was done riding with him.

"Alright so where's Patrick and them?" I asked.

"By the boat landing. We are supposed to meet them there," Ryan says shrugging his own bag over his shoulders. We started walking. I was in front walking next to Ryan and everyone else was behind us. I heard a mumble from next to me, but I couldn't make out the words.

"What?" I asked.

"I said, are you okay with Parker being here?" He said rolling his eyes.

"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? Let alone, why should I care?" I shrug my shoulders.

"Well you two practically blew up in each other's faces a couple of days ago. I was just wondering," I cut him off.

"I assure you Ryan, I'm fine. We are at the lake. Not even he could bring me down," I do a twirl to show him I mean it. He laughed.

"Not even who could bring you down?" I hear the most familiar voice say from behind. I clenched my fists at my sides, but quickly I clenched them hoping nobody noticed.

"No one," I say trying to remain calm.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Pretty sure I'm positive about what I say," I snap.

"Sorry, they're talking about boring stuff back there," he says.

"Well we aren't talking about anything you would be interested in," I lie.

"Oh yeah. What were you talking about?" He asks.

I froze. I needed something to say. "Um we were talking about baseball. Something you, Parker, don't play."

"No," I elbowed Ryan before he could go on.

"You're a terrible liar Jenny," Parker says grinning.

"I don't care," I mention. I turn around and start walking in the direction where Patrick, Danny, and Deven are. I could see them waving us over.

"Just like you don't care about anything other than yourself," he muttered under his breath; except he didn't do a good job.

"Heard that," I growl.

"It's true," he claims.

"How would you know? You don't even know me," I sneer.

"I used to," he says.

"Well from a couple years ago and now, I have changed," I point out rather carelessly.

"Yeah no kidding," he whispers.

"Will you two knock it off!" Ryan cries stepping inbetween us.

"She started it," Parker complains.

"Nuh-uh! You started it when you came over here and asked what we were talking about!" I snarl.

"You guys!" I hear from above. I look up and see a very pissed off Deven. "You are fighting like five year olds who want the same toy. Stop it, or you'll both be stuck here alone with each other." I looked down in embarrassment and listened to him continue. "And I don't think either of you want that. Do you?"

"No," I said rather too loudly.

"Well then," he said under his breath. I scowled and then started climbing onto the boat listening as everyone else followed me. I sat down in the first open chair I found. I stripped out of my sweatshirt and shorts and then I grabbed my sunscreen. Before I started applying it, I pulled my hair into a tight ballerina bun. The last thing I need is for sunscreen to get into my hair. I heard the boys whistle which only made me roll my eyes and scowl even more. It wasn't funny either because everyone but Parker, Ash, and Danny had girlfriends.

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