Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I didn't go on the tube after my first try. I was on for a long time being whipped left and right. After a while I gave up and just let go. The water was cold, colder than it normally was. I climbed onto the boat and shrugged the life jacket off. I set it on one of the empty chairs and then grabbed my bag and headed to the front of the boat. Ryan went tubing next, I watched him with my head resting in my hand. He was good. Way better than me. I closed my eyes and just sat there thinking. Then I felt water hit my back. I jumped and whipped around to see Ash.

"Hi," he greeted.

"What was that for?" I ask hitting his arm.

"You looked like you needed a splash," he smirked and then sat down in the chair next to me.

"Thanks," I sarcastically say.

"Anytime." We were quiet for a while. Then I spoke.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"Because I had nothing else to do today, like you, and like everyone else here." He shrugs his shoulders.

"No, I mean by me," I lower my gaze, so I'm staring at my bare feet.

"You look kind of sad. Why?" He tilted his head. I looked up at him to see if he cared. He actually did. "What?" He asked.

"What?" I repeated.

"You were staring at me," he points out.

"Oh sorry. Im just not used to having anyone care about why I'm sad or why I'm happy or anything like that," I admit.

"Don't you talk to people?" he asked.I shook my head and then raised it again.

"I don't talk to many people because they think I'm suicidal freak, even though I'm not. Not anymore. I guess it's alright. I've gotten used to it by now."

"That doesn't give them the right to not talk to you though Jenny," Ash says looking at me.

"It's fine really. Once I get to Arizona I can start over," I smile at the thought.

"What's in Arizona?" Ash asks.

"College," I say quietly.

"I've heard it's nice there," he tells me.

"Yeah. I looked at the website for the school online. It looks nice," I say.

"Okay I got us off topic. Why are you so upset?" he asks getting serious. I looked at him and then I turned my head so I was looking at Parker who was sitting at the back of the boat talking to Deven. He looked happy. He was laughing and talking. He just looked happier than he ever has. I felt a smile form on my lips. He looked my way and I immediately looked away.

"Oh my god Jenny! You do not!" Ash screamed.

"Will you be quiet?" I hissed hitting his arm.

"There's no need to hit in this situation," he says rubbing where I hit him.

"How else am I supposed to get you to shut up?" I flash a mean smile and laugh.

"So how long have you liked him?" he asked leaning forward as herested his elbows on his thighs.

"Since I was fourteen," I whisper.

"And even after all the fighting?" his eyes widened when I nodded my head. "Geez Jenny. You must really like him then."

I looked in front of me to where Parker was. I was trying to focus on the water behind him, but always found my eyes flickering back to him. "It's hard though. I mean two days ago I went with him and his family to the fireworks and we were talking and laughing together. And then we just blew up in each other's faces. I don't even remember why, but it's like whenever I try to talk and be nice he has to say something and then we strat yelling at each other. I just don't know how long I can put up with these games we play Ash. It sucks." I look at him and he was looking forward.

"It does suck doesn't it?" he asked looking at me.

"How would you know?" I ask. Then it dawned on me. "Oh my god. You aren't gay are you? Please tell me you aren't gay Ash." He laughed and laughed and wouldn't stop. "Ash answer me!" I cried.

"No I'm not gay, but the fact that you would think that is something else," he still wouldn't stop laughing.

"Oh good," I breathed out. "But seriously Ash, how would you know what it feels like? Loving someone who doesn't love you back," I let my voice die out. I wouldn't be able to speak without crying.

"Maybe if you talked to him you could at least be friends," he tries.
"I already tried that," I tell him.

"Then take him by surprise. Kiss him and see what he does," he explains.

"Ash thanks for trying, but I don't think I could ever bring myself to do that," I whisper.

He stood up, smiled, and then walked away. "So getting love advice from Ash?" I turned around and saw Ryan.

"When did you get here?" I asked confused.

"From the part where you thought he was gay to now. I can talk to Parker if you want me to," Ryan offers.

"No," I state. "If I want to do something I'm going to do it myslf."

"Fine suit yourself," he stood up and walked away. Great everyone's leaving me. I looked around and noticed the boat was stopped.

"Why did we stop?" I ask.

"Because we're going to stay on the sandbar for a while," Patrick says. I nod my head. "Are you coming?"

"No I think I'm going to lay out," I say. He nods his head and then jumps off the boat along with everyone else. I grab my towel and then I lay it out on top of the row of chairs. Then I lay down on my stomach and close my eyes hoping I could relax for the time being.

Guys I swear I didn't mean for the updates to be so long. But well they are, so y'all have to deal with it. Hope y'all are enjoying Only One.
And share.

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