Chapter Nineteen

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I leaned my head against the cold window trying to listen to the radio. But that was hard when Ashliegh was whining about how she couldn't see and then have Parker and Ryan arguing about who knows what. I wasn't listening. Why should I? It's none of my busniness. I heard my phone play the American Horror Story theme which is my universal ringtone for anything from a call to a notification. This though was a notification from my e-mail. I unlocked my phone and began to read the email.

Dear Miss Caligney,
Due to your recent calls and recommendations for a move-in ready apartment near your campus, I have found a few options you should take into consideration. They are a little over your budget, but I can see what I can do to bring the price down. Depending on what apartment you chose there are some things you will need to consider. In both apartments you have all the kitchen and bathroom appliances. Both apartments do not have a washer or dryer. I will send you pictures of both apartments along with the listing prices.
I will try to get the pictures to you as soon as possible. Tell me your thoughts right away because there are other realators looking at the apartment too.
-Realator Scott Delmten

That's great news! I have been talking to my realator about apartments down there and it just so happened to be that he was going to Arizona too. It was perfect. The only problem was that they were over my budget, but I didn't know by how much. That was still good news though because I left my old job and collected my paychecks which added up to a lot of money. Then there was always the possibility of finding a new job down in Arizona which I was definitely going to do. I couldn't help but squeal. I couldn't stop smiling either.

Everyone looked at me. "Sorry," I say.

"It's okay. Whatever your happy about I'm sure it's great news," Mrs. Brookes tells me.

"It is," I confirm. She only laughs and refocuses on the road. My fingers flew across the screen as I typed a quick "thank you" back. This was great news. Once I was done I put my phone back inside my purse.

"So what are you so excited about?" A voice interupts my thoughts.

"Huh?" I turn my head and see Parker looking at me and Ryan smirking at me.

"Um my realator found two apartments for me that I should consider in Arizona," I explain, "and that's amazing because he told me it was hard to find apartments by campus." He gave me a blank look. I understood that he didn't know about me leaving.

"Campus?" He raises his eyebrow.

"The college I'm going to," I tried to hide my smile, but failed. I felt like laughing like a little girl. It might not seem like great news, but it was amazing when you are leaving home.

"What college?" He asks.

"University of Arizona," I answer.

"That's far," he points out.

"That's one of the reasons why I'm so excited. It's not only an amazing college with a top softball team, it's a place to start over," my eyes were wide with awe and I was only explaining it.

"But she's depressed because she will be missing her best friend," Ryan chimes in. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah that's why I'm depressed," I laugh a little.

"Jenny I didn't mean," but I cut him off.

"It's fine don't worry about it," I say. He lowers his head and then shifts his body so he is facing the window.

"You sure your okay?" Parker asks.

"If I said I'm fine, I'm fine," I snapped. Once I said it I regretted it. "Sorry. I'm stressed too."

"It's understandable," he whispered.

"What is?" I whispered back.

"Why you're stressed," he says it like it was obvious. Because I can't stop thinking about you. Because I'm mad at you one minute and not the next. Because my mom is confusing me. Because I'm leaving home and even though I want to leave, I don't at the same time.

"And I'm stressed because?" I decided to say.

"You're leaving the state for college and need to move. Plus you are looking for an appartment. I can see why you're stressed. I would be too," he leans back against the seat and takes a deep breath.

"Part of it is because of that," I say truthfully.

"What's the other part?" He asks.

"I don't want to talk about it," I lie. I actually would love to talk to someone about all my problems. Only if it was him, I wouldn't tell him about my mixed feelings for him. The car was quiet, only to be filled with the sound of he radio. I hear him mutter something under his breath. It sounded like "of course." I wasn't even going to argue about it with him. It wasn't worth it. I was making progress on our friendship. I don't want to ruin it just like that. He didn't say anything. He only scowled and then looked away. I looked away from him too and then looked out the window.

"So Jenny," Ryan says breaking the tention between Parker and I.

"Yeah?" I asked not looking out the window. We were nearing the hill. People were walking with blankets under there hands and kids trailing in front or behind.

"When is your next softball game?" He asks.

"Friday," I answer smiling.

"Mom do we have anything going on Friday?" He asks leaning forward.

"Parker has a game at two. When's the game dear?" Mrs. Brookes asks me.

"Eleven," I state.

"I think we could manage to go. Parker you'll just have to wear your uniform to her game," she informs.

"Great," he mutters sarcastically under his breath. I don'tt hank anyone else noticed because no one looked or said anything to him. That made me frown.

"Is that okay if we come dear?" Mrs. Brookes asks interupting my thoughts.

"I could always use a crowd to cheer me on, since no one comes for me anyways." I mumbled the last phrase to myself as quietly as possible. Parker looked at me though. There was confusion and amusement dancing in his eyes. Why is that funny? It's not.

"Well it's settled then. We'll meet you at your game on Friday then," she smiles and I give her the best smile I have, even if it was forced. The car was quiet again. I looked out the window and saw that we were already pulling into a parking space in the already crammed parking lot. Once the car was parked everyone climbed out. I grabbed my purse and waited for Mrs. Brookes to lead us to the spot she chose this year.

"Parker dear can you bring everyone to the spot? Same as last year's. I need to use the restroom," Mrs. Brookes asks. He groaned and I saw a glare being exchanged from mother to son. I smirked, but turned away to hide it.

"Fine," he snapped. He turned on his heel and started walking. I exchanged a look with Ryan and he only shook his head. I did the only logical thing I could do: follow.

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