Chapter Thirty-Five

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When my eyes fluttered open I was confused as to where I was. My mattress didn't feel like my mattress. My covers didn't feel like my covers. Then I realized that they weren't because I wasn't in my room. I was in Parker's. Then last night's events came rushing at me all at once. The dream, Parker, how he comforted me, and how we fell asleep together. I rolled over and looked at the clock. It read 10:36. I literally jumped out of the bed. I nearly knocked myself unconscious when I approached the door only to find it swinging right at me. I jumped away and then ran into Parker who opened it.

"Parker move," I commanded with force. He gave me a puzzling look. "My game!" I screeched.

"You're going to be late," he grins.

"I already am!" I push past him, but stop almost immediately after. "You are coming right?"

"Yeah. I have to. I have a game after yours. Remember?" He asks.

"Yes I remember. I'll see you there." I turn back around and run down the stairs and into the kitchen where I left my phone last night. I rushed to my house as fast as I could. I threwnmy uniform on and gathered my things as fast as my body would let me. I don't need to be any later than I already am.

The game was ten mintutes from starting when I got there. Coach yelled at me, just as he would any other player on the team. My friend Amelia put eye black under my eyes right after coach walked away from me. She was also the pitcher. We talked a lot on the team. But when we weren't playing softball we didn't communicate often. We were like the type of people who only hang out at school, but never after school or anywhere outside of school.

We were the home team, so I put my gear on and was ready to go incase we started early. And we did. A whole five minutes early. If I hasn't have come when I had I would have been super late and I would have gotten my ass chewed out even more. And that sucks and is embarressing.

Parker and the rest of his family arrived at the bottom of the second inning. The innings kept on ticking by as the minutes on a clock would. Before I went out to catch again, coach stopped me. I noticed that he had my phone in his hand. "Jenny your phone was ringing," he paused and a sad expression crossed over his face. "It was the hospital, so I answered it. They said something happened to your mom and wanted me to let you know." Normally I would be upset if someone answered my phone without telling me, but this time it was different. Something happened to Mom.

"Which hospital?" I asked. I started stripping off the shin guards and chest protector.

"The one where she works. Just two miles north of here," he tells me. Then his face hardens. "No Jenny. You need to stay here. You have a game to play!" The last sentence he yelled to me, but by the time he finished I already was out of my gear and my phone was in hand. I started sprinting in the direction of he hospital. I heard coach and multiple other people calling my name, but I ignored them. I pressed forward, despite how tired I and worried I was.

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