Forever Bound: Thirty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"She left?" I asked.

"Yeah, she called a cab and went home a while ago." She looked me up and down. "Why don't you go rest at home. You look stressed." 

I nodded and threw a thanks over my shoulder. Driving home in a daze was terrible. At least I made it. I was so tired that I left my phone in the car and passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.



I jolted awake and fell off my bed. Blinking a couple of times I looked up to see Andrew standing in my room. My features turned confused as to why he was back all of a sudden, and why he looked like he hasn't slept at all.

"What do you want? I'm tired and I just want to sleep." I mumbled and attempted to shut my eyes and sleep on the floor when he kicked me.

"OW! What the hell was that for?" I growled out.

"You need to come with me to the hospital right now." He said in urgency. 

"I was there last night. The baby's not mine. I don't want to go back." I said again and shut my eyes.

"Forget about fucking Jackie right now Blake! Skylar was in a car accident! We need to go to the hospital now ."

My eyes shot open and I jumped up from the ground.

"What do you mean Skylar's in the hospital? That's insane. She's at home." I said as I stared at him like he was crazy.

"Landon called me from the waiting room. She was in a car accident. A drunk driver hit her cab."

"I'm sorry ma'am, but we had to send some down to the E.R. A car crash victim came in a few seconds ago and they were losing the poor girl. Such a shame. Guess a drunk driver hit the cab and sped off." The nurse said to placad Jackie. 

"No fucking way." I said as I grabbed my sweatshirt and dashed down the stairs with Andrew in tow. "You're driving there." I said and tossed the keys at him.

We made it there in record time and I'm pleased to say my brother didn't break any laws in doing so. Rushing in we saw Lanon, Jake and Mia sitting there. My heart dropped when I saw their appearances. 

Mia looked like a complete mess. Her hair was all over the place and her eyes were red and bloodshot, still flooded with tears as they ran down her red, wet cheeks. Her make up was running down her face as well. She had a death grip on Jake who was rubbing her shoulders as he starred straight ahead. I was tempted to look at him long enough to see if he would blink, but my eyes shot to Landon.

His eyes were bloodshot and there were tears still running down his face. He loved Skylar more than anyone, and I had a terrible feeling.

"Land." I said hesitantly.

His eyes snapped to me, as did Jake and Mia's. Mia got up and launched herself at me.

"She's GONE BLAKE!" she sobbed into my chest. I held her tightly and my eyes went wide. Her tears were soaking through my shirt but I didn't care. Not after the three words that just came out of her mouth. 

"No she's not, shut up Mia!" Jake growled.

"Calm down and tell me what happened!" I said in desperation. I needed to know that Skylar was okay. She had to be, I had just been with her less than three hours ago.

"Why weren't you there?" Landon choked out as we faced him. "Why weren't you with her? Why was she taking a cab home when she was supposed to be with you, huh?" He took a couple steps forward and my sister rushed over to Andrew. "She flat lined, Blake." He said seriously. "Technically, Skylar died."

That hung in the air for a while. It was thick with tension and I know he blamed me. Hell I blamed me. Who leaves their girlfriend on prom night?

"Jackie called." I forced out. "She's in labor, upstairs actually. It's not mine and she wanted to tell me." I looked up at him. "That's why I wasn't there. But don't think for a God damn second that I don't love Skylar with everything in me." My voice started to crack as the tears leaked out of my eyes and my knees became weak. "Tell me she's alright. Tell me, please." I said as I sunk to the floor.

I didn't care that I was crying. Skylar died and I was partly responsible. Landon looked at me and I saw Skylar's eyes looking at me with pity. 

"They were able to get her heartbeat back. She's in surgery right now, but they say there's a chance that she might not make it." he said and then clenched his fists. "The driver hit her side of the car and she was a mess. I- I don't think I can bare to see her like that." He said then went back to sit on the chair.

We all joined them and it became quiet. Too quiet. I was reliving the good times i've had with Skylar recently, when I heard a commotion and my head snapped to the left. 

"LANDON!" Sky's Dad said as he rushed over with Meredith in tow. "I got the call and I flew straight home. Meredith was in tears."

I rolled my eyes. I didn't think the ass would have cared.

"How is she?" Meredith asked with tears in her eyes.

"She died." Landon said in a monotone voice. I visibly winced as he said that. He doesn't need to be that harsh.

"NO!" She said and fell to the ground wailing. I swear if I didn't know better, she was a banshee. 

"They saved her and she's in surgery right now."

"Damn it, Landon. Don't scare me like that." Tim said as he took a seat. Meredith, however, kept crying and perched herself on Tim's knee.

"She has to make it through though! I want her in the wedding!" She cried as a doctor walked through the doors.

"Family of Skylar Longwood?" He said. Tim and Landon shot up and the doctor took out his chart.

"She's made it through surgery, but we've had to put her into a chemical induced coma in order for her to recover faster. Her brain sustained quite a bit of damage and there was swelling, so we had to drill a hole in her skull to relieve the pressure." He rubbed the back of his neck. "The good news is that she shows no signs of brain damage, which is really good considering what she's been through."

Landon looked like a lost puppy as he looked to his dad.

"And the bad news?" Tim replied hesitantly. 

"We're not quite sure when she'll wake up. Granted it was a chemical induced coma, she still is the determining factor in waking up. We can always give her drugs to try and wake her, but were not ready to take those chances yet. The body needs to regenerate and that takes time. If we wake her prematurely, or when her body isn't ready, it would just cause more problems for her."

Tim nodded as Meredith started sobbing again. Mia and Jake looked at Andrew with smiles on their faces. I felt relived. Sky was going to be alright, but she'll just be asleep for a while. 

We said our goodbyes to everyone as we headed out. No one was allowed to see Skylar just yet because she was still in the ICU recovering from the surgery. I get to work myself up so I don't lose it when I see her in such a fragile state. 

She's just sleeping for a while...

or so I kept telling myself.

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