Forever Bound: Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: What A Whore

Blake's POV 

I woke up and rolled over but I ran into something. I opened my eyes to what stopped me from turning over fully. The one thing I didn't want to see is what I saw. Jackie. Oh Crud, what have I done?

"Jackie! Get Up!" I said.

She opened her eyes and I was faced with a wall of brown. But what I desperately wanted to see was the lovely green eyes looking back at me. Skylar. I wanted her, but i've messed up so much, I think I should accept that I'll have to deal with it.

"Blakey, what's wrong?" She said.

"You need to go. I have to go talk to Skylar." I said.

"Why? She dumped you and you had sex with me. You asked me to be your girlfriend. And frankly, I don't want you talking to her." She said with a smile.

"You can't do that! She's still my friend. And if you're going to be like this, i'm not going to date you."

"Oh no. Wrong thing to say, Blake. Once you're with me, you stay with me."

This was ridiculous! What had I gotten myself into?! She couldn't do that. I mean, I don't even remember asking her out. But still, she can't control me like that! I'm the guy in the relationship. I'm supposed to be in control. But either way I didn't listen to her because I got up and got my keys and walked out the door with Jackie over my shoulder.

After I dropped her off at her house, and went to see Skylar. I knew she'd be up this early because she rarely sleeps in. Landon always says that the early bird catches the worm. 

I pulled into the driveway and I noticed an odd looking car. I felt like I should know who's it was, but I really could careless at this point. I was here to make my friendship better with Sky.

On my way up to the door I wondered how Skylar would react to me at her door. So I knocked. The only thing I didn't consider was the way I was going to act. I should have because I was being tested and scored when the door opened and I saw a shirtless Liam standing there.

"Oh, What the hell! Where's Skylar?" I asked.

"She's still asleep. She had a long night and she hasn't woken up yet. I doubt she'll be feeling all that well considering what happened last night." Liam said.

When I heard him say that, anger ran through my veins, along with jealousy. I couldn't believe what he was saying. I can't even believe Skylar would sleep with him when she said she loved me and wanted to wait!

"That whore." I said frustrated.

"Excuse you?" Liam said.

"You heard me. Skylar is a whore. I can't believe she slept with you and not me!"

Liams eyes went wide and he backed up.

"Listen dude, this isn't what it looks like. I didn't have sex with Sky! When I said she had a long night I meant she was crying because of the BS you pulled in the parking lot earlier!" 

"No you didn't! I can't believe she would do this to me. I can't believe she'd be such a whore." 


Liam turned around and I saw Skylar with puffy red eyes. She was wearing a long v neck, and her hair was a mess. I instantly felt guilty, but then got mad at the fact that all she was wearing was a v neck, and Liam's shirt was off.

"I tried to explain what happened but he didn't believe me. I honestly tried, buttercup. Please don't be mad. I don't want to lose your trust." Liam said.

"Yeah, and I was just voicing my concerns with my whore of an ex-girlfriend. You have no idea how much you disgust me right now, Sky. You wouldn't sleep with me, but you sleep with him?! I'm so glad I slept with Jackie last night. She's so much better than you." I said out of frustration.

I immediately regretted saying those words, because I knew that deep down she would have never done that to me. I was just being my jealous self and assuming things that weren't true.

This was all just an act to cover up my heartbreak because Skylar was no longer mine. I let her go when I drank and kissed Jackie. It was my fault and I have to live with that, but I was going to get her back if it was the last thing I do.

Sky's face fell when the words reached her and I thought she was going to breakdown again, right here and now, and to be honest, I didn't want to witness that. But oddly enough, instead of crying she smiled then looked at me, then to Liam. She took his hang and took a deep breath. The words that came out of her mouth stunned me, and hurt me. All at the same time.


Just wanted to let you know that the next chapter will be up by Monday (: 

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