Forever Bound: Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen: Bad Idea

Blake's POV 

The plan was a success! I was able to get Skylar out of the house without a problem. Well, I had Landon's help but still, Jake's plan was brilliant.

I drove to the beach and parked my car. I turned to look at Skylar only to see her crying. My heart broke. Maybe she didn't want to be with me. Then I noticed that she was still asleep. Still unaware that I had kidnapped her. I still think she will not have a good response to me doing this.

But I couldn't take her crying anymore. I stroked her hair.

"Skylight, don't cry, i'm here. I'm never leaving you again I promise." I whispered.

"Blake?" She said incoherently.

"I'm here, don't worry." I said, confirming her question.

She sat up suddenly and looked around.

"Why are we in your car?"

"Long story." That was all I said.

"Blake!" She yelled as her face turned dark.

"Relax, Skylar. I did this so that we can talk about the last couple of days."

"You could have asked to talk to me, Blake. Kidnapping me is not something I like." She said while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Will you at least pretend like you want to talk? I just want to straighten things out!" I angrily said.

She turned her whole body towards me and dropped her arms.

"Straighten things out? Did you think that would help your situation? I definitely do not want to be friends with you at this point in time. You have hurt me so much. But go ahead and try to explain yourself. I am just dying to hear it." 

Her sarcasm wasn't helping my temper, but I took a deep breath. 

"Okay, I was drinking when the whole thing with Jackie happened. I wasn't thinking straight. I'm a guy, what did you expect?"

I wasn't able to continue because Skylar input her opinion.

"I expected my boyfriend to not cheat on me. I don't get why you went to that party anyways. It's not something you do."

"Well i'm sorry that didn't happen. I just have needs Skylar. And before you say anything, I'm not talking about having sex. Although that would be nice." I said with a smile.

"Don't ever count on it." She said as she rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, I just want to apologize now. I was being such a dick. But when I saw you with Liam I snapped. The idea of losing you was overpowering. I didn't take into consideration that I had already lost you. If I could take it all back, Skies, I would..." 

I looked up at her and I realized I was on the verge of crying. My eyes had glazed over and Skylar looked like a dream when I looked at her. I just wanted to hold her in my arms again. Was that too much to ask?

"Superstar...." Was all she said. 

I started to move closer to her but she shook her head and stuck her hand out to stop me.

"Blake, it hurts me that you're about to cry, but you deserve it. I know I sound mean, but you have no idea what i've gone through. I just need time away from you. I need to get out and meet some other people. Then maybe things won't be so hard." She said and then sighed.

"Just take me back home, Blake." Was the last thing she said to me.

I nodded and wiped my tears away. 

Turning the key, the car started and I was headed back to her house. What I thought was going to be a good talk turned out to back fire. I never even got to tell her that I never liked Jackie. 

Pulling into the driveway, I killed the engine. I looked at Skylar but she was already opening the door. Landon must have heard me pull up because he was coming out the door.

"What is going on? Did it work?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Wait, you knew about this?" Skylar asked in disbelief.

"Of course I knew about it. If I didn't, don't you think I would be beating the crap out of him?"

"Wow, thanks Land. You were the one that convinced me to do it!" I said angrily.

"Relax, Blake. It's not that big of a deal. Did you guys at least work things out?" 

"No. I want to go live with Dad." Skylar said out of the blue.

"What?!" Landon and I said at the same time.

Instead of answering she walked into the house. She wants to go live with her dad? Did all of this spark the idea that it was better for her to go there? I hope not, because I do not want her hurt. Hopefully we can talk her out of it...

"What do you think that was about?" I asked Landon.

"I have no idea, but I don't like that idea one bit." 

"Me either."

"I wonder what brought this on. She doesn't like not knowing anyone..." Landon wondered out loud.

Then it hit me.

I just need time away from you. I need to get out and meet some other people. Then maybe things won't be so hard." She said and then sighed.

"She said she needed time away from me. So wants new friends. I think she's determined on this one." I said.

"I can't let that happen." Landon said while running into his house.

I was left with my thoughts on the short drive home. Will she really leave me? Really leave us?

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