Forever Bound: Twenty-Three

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A Big Mistake

Blake's POV 

After Skylar grabbed my wrist and shoved me out in the hallway, I stood where I was. I tried to listen to what they were saying, but I couldn't hear a thing. Her dad was mad, but she said he changed. She said that he had turned his life around. I believe her, based solely on the fact that there appears to be no sound of hitting coming from her bedroom. Which is a good sign.

Now I can hear some mumbling, which is good. He really did just want to talk to her. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes. I didn't realize how worried I was for her safety. And after that huge fight? You can say I ruined my chance of getting her back. Then again, maybe I didn't. She did say I had to fight for her, but she didn't say I had to fight fair. 

A touch on my forearm dragged me away from my previous thoughts. I opened my eyes and found the blonde lady from earlier standing in front of me, with her hand on my arm. I raised an eyebrow and looked down to where she was touching me. She blushed and removed her hand. Then she cleared her throat. 

"Blake, I think it's time for you to leave. They're talking and she won't be able to see you afterwards. Let me show you to the door." She said.

I took another deep breath and nodded. I mumbled a 'thank you' as we were walking away. For the life of me, I could not remember that ladies name. Monica? Beth? Marney? I have no idea, but i'm pretty sure i'm way off. When we got to the stairs I looked back at Skylar's door. I have known her for a long time, so I know what to expect tomorrow...a whole hell of a lot of guys thinking about her in whatever slutty outfit she'll put on. I'll let her have her moment. She'll come back to me. I'm sure of it.

At home, I didn't talk to anyone. Jake had come back from his date with Sophie and went straight to his room. That kid has got it bad. I'm just glad he has stayed with her for as long as he has. Skylar told me how nice Sophie was, and how she wouldn't hesitate to kill Jake if he hurt her. They were becoming close, which could be the reason why Mia was acting like a baby lately. I think I should go talk to her.

And being the amazing brother that I am, I failed to knock on the door before I walked in, and I was in for a great surprise. Yeah, that was sarcasm.

As soon as I walked in a heard screaming and I shut my eyes and said sorry repeatedly. With my eyes closed I back tracked out of the room and closed the door. I will always knock on people's door's from now on. Especially in my own house. I never want to witness that again.

I shook my head and turned around and was suddenly staring at a laughing Jake. My anger flared and I became defensive.


Between laughs he was able to cough out a simple "Nothing."

I narrowed my eyes at him and he finally stopped laughing. He took a tentative step backwards and swallowed. That was satisfaction to me. I was still boss around here.

"Tell me. What was so funny, Jacob." I said in a condescending tone.

"You walked in on Mia, right? You should know by now, Blake. Never, ever walk into Mia's room without knocking. But obviously you found out the hard way." He snickered. 

"Oh shut up." I said as I pushed him aside and walked towards my room.

He kept walking with me and nonchalantly brought up tonight.

"So, how was Sky? Doing better?" 

"She was fine before we got into a fight." I said as I plopped down on my bed.

"You fought with her? Blake, that wasn't the plan?" He said and sighed.

"Oh yeah, well then what plan do we have now? You're stupid "why not kidnap her because that's so not illegal plan failed. What do I have to do now, huh?" I asked as my anger started to get the best of me. Jake could tell.

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