Forever Bound: Epilogue

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Skylar's POV

Six Years Later

"Come on! You're going to be late and you can't be late today." Mia screeched as she looked at the clock. I tried not to roll my eyes at her. She was freaking out over nothing. 

I continued to look outside as my hair was being finished. Then all we had left to do was put the finishing touches on my make up and viola! I'm all ready to go. 

"You can calm down Mia. It's not that big of a deal... plus i'm not going to be late." I rolled my eyes. "We still have an hour and a half."

She was now pacing and I took in her appearance once more. Her hair was in a very fitting updo with braids and curls, making her look like a full on princess. Her tan skin glowed and the shimmer powder the make up artist suggested, and it looked perfect on her skin. Her yellow dress flowed nicely down her body to her knees. I was jealous of the way she looked. All tan and beautiful in that yellow dress. 

I yelped a bit as the hair stylist finished off my hair. Mia flew to my side and started to yell at the stylist.

"She is not supposed to be hurting! my goodness if my brother knew you were hurting his--"

I got out of the chair and put a hand on Mia's shoulder. 

"It's alright, honestly, it just caught me by surprise." I said with a smile then faced the stylist. "Thank you so much, I bet I look beautiful."

"You're welcome Miss Straley." She said as she went off to find the other girls to do their hair. 

I chuckled. "Mia, you really need to calm down. I'm the one that supposed to be freaking out. And look, i'm perfectly sane." I said as I went to the mirror and looked at myself.

My golden hair was in waves and it flowed quite perfectly over my dress. My make up was just right; a natural look that didn't make me look bad. A smiled and I couldn't help but think about just how happy I was. Blake and I had lasted throughout college and it was great. We didn't go to the same school so it was a bit strained but we made it, and I couldn't have been happier.

I saw a flash of blonde hair in the reflection and my eyes trained on the set of jade eyes staring and me in the mirror. 

"You look beautiful, Sky." He said and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

I squealed and turned around in his arms only to hit his chest and then proceeded to wrap my arms around his waist.

"Landon I hate you sometimes." I mumbled against his chest.

He laughed and released me. His eyes scanned over me and smiled wide. 

"I can't believe how grown up you are now." He teased. I rolled my eyes and put my shoes on. 

"You look just as handsome as ever, Landy." We both laughed and I almost fell. Damn high heels. I hate walking in them so much. 

Landon wrapped his arm around my shoulders and led me out of the room and towards the entry way where people were waiting. I heard a collected round of gasps as I entered. I couldn't help the blush that made it way to my face. 

"You look beautiful!" "Gorgeous." "Never looked this good." Were what most people were saying and it was making me very uncomfortable. I didn't like attention at all, but I can't say noo it today.

"Hey! She's related to me, you should have expected it." Landon said and I pushed him away from me. 

"Cocky much?" I heard May say as she waddled over. Yeah, my brother is a Dad. May was about seven months pregnant and carrying their adorable baby girl, Anna. She about about five years old now and she was the most adorable baby in the world.

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