Forever Bound: Twenty

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Chapter Twenty: The Move

Skylar's POV 

I ran up to my room and I thought about the night. Why in the world would Blake kidnap me? Why in the world would Landon allow that? I thought he was supposed to protect me. It wasn’t fair. 

They can’t expect me to just forget everything that happened. It will definitely take some time. But something I’ve learned. Time doesn’t heal all wounds when you’re not ready to move on.

Fear exists in the one place you can never escape; your mind. I want to go to my Dad’s so that I can get away from all of the drama here. I don’t want to see Blake with any other girl. I think the best thing for me would be to go to my Dad’s and meet new people. Hopefully find someone who will distract me from the past.

And I know what you’re all thinking. “Why in the WORLD would she go live with her Dad after what he did to her?!” Well that is very simple to answer. He’s changed. He wrote an apology to Landon and I, we just don’t really talk about it. I mean, Landon will never forgive him for what he did to me. I thought I wouldn’t either, but a life without your parents sucks. I’m willing to give my Dad another chance. He did say that he’s been sober for about 5 months and that he could not believe what I went through. He sounded genuine, so what’s stopping me from giving him another chance? Nothing.

I pulled out my journal and went to get a pen when a knock was heard at my door.

“Come on in, Landon.” I said while retrieving the pen.

The door opened with a click and a flabbergasted Landon walked in and sat on my chair. His hair was disheveled and he looked out of breath. I don’t even want to know what he did after I came up here.

“Sky, why do you want to go live with Dad? It’s not safe! I’m not there to protect you if something goes wrong.” 

“Relax, it’s not that big of a deal. You read his letter too. He’s fine now, Land, you have to find it in you to forgive him.” I said as I sat on my bed facing him.

“I don’t know if I can do that. Knowing how badly he hurt you before I even found out…. I don’t think I could live through that again. You mean everything to me Sky. You’re all I have left.” He said as a tear rolled down his cheek. 

I’ve never seen Landon let his guard down like this before. He’s never cried in front of me. It was shocking and sad all at the same time. There was nothing I could do but get up and hug him.

“Landon, don’t worry, I promise I’ll be fine. If anything happens, you know I’d go to you first. You have to trust me on this one.” I said in a whisper.

He sniffled and wiped away his tears. He looked so vulnerable and I didn’t like it. I hated hurting my brother, but it’s for my own wellbeing that I have to leave.

“Fine, but I’m going to visit and call as often as possible, you understand me? And if I hear one bad thing or someone says you have a bruise, I’m getting you out of that house, and I promise you you’ll never go back.” He said.

I nodded and then yawned. He understood that it was time for me to get into bed. I was not objecting as I hoped into bed, feeling the pen and journal next to me. 

“Do you want your night light on, Sky?” he asked.

“No thanks. I don’t need to use it anymore. I’m not afraid of the dark.” I said with a smile.

“Okay, goodnight Skylight.” He said then closed the door. 

I waited until I heard his door close to get up. You could hear my bare feet padding against the wooden floor as I walked to turn on the light. After it was turned on, I got my journal and began to write.

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