Forever Bound: Twenty-Four

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Lost Cause

Skylar's POV 

I could not believe Blake would be so rude! Levi hadn’t even been at school for a whole day before he was ripped apart by Blake’s less than enthusiastic attitude. This is the exact same reason why I didn’t bother telling him that Levi was one of my closest friends. He would have blown up at me because he didn’t like the kid. But what was I supposed to do? My best friend had football and baseball and left me all alone? Did he think I was going to sit around and do absolutely nothing while he was away? Pfft. He wasn’t the smartest if he thought that. 

So naturally I started hanging out with other kids in the neighborhood. I still remember the first day I met Levi. He was so nice.


I was on the swings with a girl named emma. We had just talked about which one of us could go higher. I was game, but not when I lost. You see, I was – am still a very competitive person. Once I lost the first time, I had to think of other ways to win. So I decided we’d jump off of the swings to see who could go farther. Well, I was an all too cocky little girl so I went first. 

I landed ungracefully with a scream…..right on top of a boy. My eyes grew wide and I was pretty sure you could see into my soul. My green eyes bore into his dark brown ones as he stared right back. I quickly got up and dusted myself off. No sooner was I rambling off apologies, hoping not to get hit. But that’s what my dad taught me. Girls respect guys, or else there would be consequences. And I didn’t need any more of those. 

He laughed. Flat out and in my face. I took a step back and scrunched my face up, trying to look scary and mean. All that did was make him laugh harder and start wheezing. This was not going where I would have liked it. So I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed. He then got the hint and stopped laughing. He still wore a smile on his face, which I couldn’t happen to think was cute. But after he laughed at me, there was no way we could be friends.

“My name’s Levi.” He said and stuck out his hand. I eyed it suspiciously and took it in my hand. They moved up and down and all I could think about was how stupid we must look. Who shook hands unless you spit in your palm and rubbed it together? That was one tight pact. But anyways, he stared at me while I smile crept on my face.

“Skylar, at your service. You can call me Sky though. Everyone else does.” I said with a smile, hoping we’d start to be friends.

Playing without Blake was boring, but now that Levi was here, maybe it wouldn’t have to be. They were like exact opposites. Blake had blue eyes and Levi’s were a dark chocolate color. They both had darker hair, but their personalities couldn’t have been any more different. And the only other thing that was different, was that Levi knew my secret. He was the only one that knew what my dad was doing. We had actually planned to run away, but it was cancelled due to a thunderstorm. I still wonder what would have happened if we ran away together…

After that incident though, we’d become very good friends. I’ve have him over to my house, and I’d go play at his sometimes. That’s why I was so sad when he left. He moved to Arizona and I was devastated. No one goes there anymore, so why did Levi have to go? I would keep asking that to Landon, but he just said that people come and go, and that I shouldn’t get attached. But it was already too late. I’d already been writing about how cute Levi was in my diary. So the only way I knew how to cope was to drink Arizona Iced Tea, hoping that just because it said Arizona, that I was still connected to Levi.


And now, here I am, leading him away from what happened in the cafeteria earlier. I told him we were going to class, but I lied. I led him outside to the bleachers, where I’ve talked to many people. It was time to catch up. So when I saw the confused look on his face I couldn’t help but laugh. This was going to be a great semester.

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