Forever Bound: Three

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Chapter Three: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Skylar's POV 

I was all happy after Blake and I made out for a couple of minutes until Jackie said we should watch a movie. You would think I'd like it because that would give me and Blake more time to kiss, but no.

When the movie was picked - Saw IV- I grabbed Blake's hand because one, he was my boyfriend. Two, i'm terrified of the dark, and three, I hate scary movies.

But no, Jackie was all over him. When there would be a scary part, she'd put her face in his chest. I was getting pretty upset so I let go of his hand and laid my head on Landon's chest.

"You okay, babygirl?" Landon asked.

"Yeah, just tired." 

"Liar. Tell me the truth."

"Later, Land. I'm really tired." I said.

"Okay, babygirl. Lay your head on my lap and i'll take you to your room after the movie." 

I nodded my head and laid on Landon's lap. I wasn't asleep yet, so I got the pleasure of watching Jackie put the moves on my boyfriend. She makes me sick.

You all are probably like, she should be SO much stronger because she's been through so much. You're right, I have been through a lot, but that doesn't mean i'm strong. It could mean that i'm just going through the motions, and not really feeling. But that's not strength.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know, I felt a kiss on my forehead so I opened my eyes.

"Landy?" I said.

"No, Skies."

I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Blake." Was all I said.

"What's wrong, doll?" 

"Nothing, Goodnight." I said then laid back down.

"Sky, I wasn't finished. We still have to continue from earlier." He said, pulling me up.

"Blake, i'm tried."

"Skies, come on. We never get time like this anymore."

"Blake, i'm sorry. I'm just really tired."

He sighed. Oh great here it comes.

"Skylar Rose, what's wrong? And don't you dare say it's nothing because I know it's not."

"Fine. You and Jackie, Blake. She was all over you during that movie! I left you and you didn't even notice!" I said in a hurt voice.

"She was not all over me, Sky! It was a scary movie!"

"That you spent with her, not me!" 

I was crying at this point, and Blake could tell. He hugged me and started singing to me.

"Blake, you don't see it because you don't want to. Do you like her Blake? Tell me now if you do, and don't lie to me."

"Skylar, I love you." Was all he said.

I looked up at him and he was smiling down at me. I used to be able to smile back, but I couldn't. Not when he was breaking my heart. I needed to say this.

"Well, if only that was enough, Blake. Actions speak louder than words."

His smile faltered and he got a confused look on his face.

"What do you mean, Sky?"

"I mean you say you love me, but then you let Jackie flirt and be all over you. You never actually proved you love me in actions."

He grabbed my face and kissed me. I instantly went into kissing him back until I tasted something different --- Beer. I pulled away fast and looked at him.

"What?" was all he said.

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