Forever Bound: Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Badass

Skylar's POV 

My cheeks were stained red and they were still moist, but that is not what I was concentrating on right now. The only thing I ever want to concentrate on was Blake's lips against mine. His arms around me, as if I was being welcomed home after a long vacation. It felt as if this past month never happened, and we never broke up. But even when I was experiencing this loving euphoria, I knew that it was wrong, and that I cannot let Blake in as fast. I don't want a repeat of what happened last time. I'm too vulnerable right now. I need to toughen up before I can take on Blake again. I don't want to be a defenseless girlfriend who always needs some guy to come to her rescue. And ironically, cutting myself helped me see that. It showed me I was strong. I snapped back to reality and pulled away from his lips, gasping for air.

"I've missed that." He said, but all I did was look down and nod. Things never seem to be easy for him, for me, for us.

His warm hand reached my cheeks as he lifted my face to look at him. His blue eyes were swirling with life, and I just knew that he still loved me. And that is why I had to come right out and tell him that I wanted to think about it, for at least another couple weeks. He owed it to me after what he did. I know we both still loved each other, but can I count on that love to last forever? I don't think so.

I sighed. "Blake, I missed it too, but I need more time. Just a couple of weeks to figure stuff out." I looked up at him and waited for him to get mad. Yet all he did was stroke his thumb across my cheeks and sigh.

"I understand, I was just hoping it wouldn't happen. I mean, everything is perfect again, right?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Everything isn't perfect, even though I wish it was. I think we need to see if there is someone else out there for both of us, besides each other. If we can last a couple of weeks like this, then we should be fine, right?" I said.

"I guess your right. But let's say I find someone else, but she doesn't effect me like you do. What if I like her, but there is a problem? What if it's because she's not you? Am I supposed to just sit around and watch you move on with someone else when we had this chance? I'm standing here right now, telling you that I still love you and you still need a couple of weeks? How logical does that sound, huh? Cause I don't like it at all."

"Listen --" I started.

"No, you listen! I'm not playing your stupid game anymore. I said I was sorry, isn't that enough?" He yelled.

I was caught off guard by his yelling and flinched just a little bit. Then I remember what I told myself. I'm tired of being weak and defenseless, so i'm winning this argument. I silently cleared my throat and narrowed my eyes at him. Let the arguing begin.

"Listen to me, Blake, I just need more time. I don't really give a shit what you do anymore. If you're going to act like a baby then by all means go off and have sex with as many girls as you want, I don't care. And because you have the audacity to yell at me, I will not tolerate any mistakes this time." I lowered my voice at this time to my normal talking voice.

"You get to choose what you want, and what you want to fight for. Whether that fight be for the last bag of m&m's or who saw the good looking slut first, you're going to have to fight, and hard. I've never been outgoing because I never really thought of myself as pretty, but like hell am I just gonna sit around and let you move on without trying. If you want me, you're going to have to fight for me and that's that." I said in a tone that said this conversation is over.

Obviously he wasn't done.

"What if I don't want to fight for you, huh?" He growled.

"Well then I suggest that you stay as far away from me as possible." I said while walking closer to him and poking his abs. "Cause I don't want you to get heartbroken at the sight of me with someone else." 

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