Maybe (1)

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Maybe you just wasn't meant to be. Maybe you just aren't right for each other. Maybe you'll be happier with someone new.
Maybe you'll be better apart.
Maybe you'll real soulmate is just around the corner.
Maybe you should just forget about her.


You don't know us like I do.
You haven't been through what we have.
You can't tell me who to love and not to.
You can't tell me to forget about her when my world revolves around her.
You are not her.

I know it was meant to be.
I know we are right for each other.
I know I'm happiest with her.
I know we're better together.
I know she is my soulmate.
I know I will never forget her.

That is why I'm going to go after her. You can't change that. I know what I have to do.

Spoby One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora