Retrieve a soul

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Hey guys. This is a bit of a sad oneshot. I recommend listening to the sing by ed sheeren called supermarket flowers so it really hits the feels. I cried writing this.

Spencer and Toby had been non stop arguing for hours upon hours. Over everything and nothing. It was all going to come to an end.

"When we're picturing our futures, were not looking at the same picture anymore." As much as it pained Toby to say it, he did.

Spencer just sat curled up on her bed looking shocked.

"Then maybe we should break up. You obviously no longer need me" spencer snapped.

"I didn't say that I didn't need you. For gods sake spencer! Stop putting words in my mouth which I never said" Toby yelled.

"Well it's true. You didn't need to say it. Your actions and the way you've been towards me lately. Says it all, don't it?"

This was it. The point where spencer and Toby gave up climbing the constant up hill battle which was their now seemingly to be of what they called a relationship. As much as it hurt them to let each other go, they new that had to. For both of their sakes. Yes, they still loved each other but just wasn't happy together anymore.

"Spencer you know that I love you"

"Do you really!" She questioned.

They was the kind of people that would be there holding each other up when the other fell down both physically and emotionally. By now they were both in tears. They was becoming torn apart. Spencer glanced over to the card on her window sill which was from the supermarket they would go crazy at. A tear left their eyes every time that they would blink.

"I think you should leave. This just isn't gonna work" spencer softy said.

"No spencer don't do that." Toby tried his hardest not to give in.

"Dont make this any harder then it needs to be"

"I'm not the one who's making it harder but Fine. I'll leave. But I won't be coming back and doing the running like I always am" Toby sniffled.

Spencer sat facing the wall on her bed. Crying. Toby picked up his stuff. He left one of his shirts for spencer. Toby took the picture out of his wallet of the two of them and ripped it up putting it in Spencer's bin and then took or the matching string bracelets they both wore and threw it somewhere in the room. Toby picked up his back pack and headed to the door. Just before, he kissed Spencer's head.

"I guess this is it. Thanks for a good five years. I loved them all. Obviously not likewise though is it?" Toby sobbed. He walked out slamming he door making spencer jolt.

She laid on her bed crying. Toby walked down the apartment hallway wiping his tears. He reached the bottom and got onto his motorcycle. It was dark outside and snowy. The coldness made him shiver but nevertheless his started up his engine. From the seventh floor, spencer watched out her window as her now ex boyfriend left. Spencer instantly regretted her decision. She pulled out her phone and dialled Toby's number. It was too late. Toby had left and was on the way to God knows where.

Spencer new she just couldn't sit on her bed pitying herself. She had to do something.

The girl raced down the stairs in her baggy pyjamas and leaped into her car. The first place she thought if going was to Toby's place. Spencer drove all the way back to rosewood.

After an hour drive, she reached the stairs that she knew oh so well. The brew was now closed and she walked up shivering from the snow. She knocked on the door. No answer.

"Toby I know you're in there."
"Please let me in"
"I'm sorry okay. I love you"
"Please let me in. It's freezing out here."

After a while, spencer was curdled up on his door step crying. Then her phone rung. It was an unknown number but she answered it.

"Hello" she sniffled.

"Is this spencer Hastings" a female voice asked.

"Yes why?"

"You're Toby Cavanaughs emergency contact number. He's been in an accident. Mr Cavanaugh was on his motorcycle when a lorry slipped on the highway due to the snow and it hit his bike and knocked him off the road. I'm sorry but it's not looking good, I'd appreciate it if you could come to rose woods hospital. He's currently in theatre." The nurse explained.

Spencer ran to her car and sped to the hospital. She got in there and saw her ex boyfriend being wheeled unconscious in a bed to an emergency operation room. Toby was shaking, looking like he was having a seizure.

She ran over to him shaking him and crying.

"Please wake up" she screamed crying. Nurses pulled her back and he was rushed into the room and all she could do was sit and wait.

After 3 hours of crying  and waiting, a nurse came over to spencer.

"I'm sorry miss Hastings. Toby didn't make it, Toby's in heaven now, I'll give you some alone time" the lady kindly said and then walked away.

Spencer watched as a black body bag got wheeled down the hallway. She gave up.

Spencer finally snapped.

Both hers and Toby's lives were over and it was all her fault......

"I love you Toby. I'll come find you. Please dont hate me. I'm so sorry baby. I love you. Please come back" she sobbed

Please dont hate me guys. Maybe I'll do a part two to make it better. Comment your thoughts and prompt ideas.

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