Caught p2

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Toby watched as Spencer walked out his trailer. When his impulses kicked in, he called her name and ran out to her car.

"Toby just leave me alone. I only came here to get a stupid ring now look where I've ended up" she shouted. Toby attempted to get in her car with her but she locked the doors.

"Why are you doing this." Toby asked. Spencer undone her window.

"It has to be this way. All we can be is friends. We just don't work anymore" she explained. Spencer backed out his drive and drove to the barn.


Spencer tossed and turned in bed but couldn't sleep. Toby done the same. She debated on calling him and apologising but her phone was out of charge. Spencer felt as if she was waiting for something. Perhaps to get punished for not getting the ring. But that was all a set up, right? Just to make her look like a jealous fool in front of Toby. Instead it made her look like a selfish loser who only cared about keeping herself safe from -A. At least that's why she felt she looked like.

Spencer gave up with trying to sleep. She slipped on her duck slippers and coat and got in her car.

She arrived back at Toby's trailer and knocked on the door impatiently. A minute later, Toby answered the door. Also in his pyjamas and cute messy hair which Spencer found adorable.

"What are you doing here" he asked. He couldn't decide if he was relieved or annoyed.

"I really needed to talk to someone about us, everything with A , everything with Charlotte and what else is messed up. And then I realised that the only person we wanna talk about that stuff is, is you. So screw just being friends, right?" She smiled. (Shout out to those people who know that from B99)

Toby smiled and pulled her inside by the waist and kissed her. He took of her coat and kissed down her neck. She giggled, she missed the feeling of Toby's kisses. They made their way to the still messy bedroom and Toby laid Spencer on the bed.

"Are you sure this is what you want" he asked.

"There's nothing I want more." She smiled. Toby kissed her again and they removed each other's clothing.

"I think it's safe to say that protecting you in now my job" he told her while she kissed his abs.

Little did they know A.D was watching from the outside window, getting more jealous by the second.

The endgame we could've had. Imagine if they actually got back together on screen. How amazing would that be but sadly it looks like us Spoby fans didn't have a long enough wait to deserve a proper
endgame jdkdksjskasfs

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