Friend group

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I have a friend group full of an amazing gang of people. They're smart, funny, loyal, caring and kind. We've been best friends for as long as I can remember. I think we've been friends since kindergarten. We're in 13th grade, nearly ready to graduate. All the boys are 18 but the girls are 17, their birthdays are coming up real soon. They're names are;

Caleb Rivers (jock and hacker)

Hanna Marin (funny and your typical blonde girl)

Emily Fields (Real and loyal, one of my favourites)

Alison Dilaurentis (the popular queen bee)

Ezra Fitz (Intelligent and a bit geeky)

Aria Montgomery (the creative, small one)

Spencer Hastings (the most amazing/beautiful person to ever exist)

Then there's me. Toby Cavanaugh. I'm quite shy. I have had a very rough past. My mum died when I was thirteen. This caused my dad to start heavily drinking and my step mum is just as bad as my dad with the drinking. My step sister Jenna tried to rape me and all my other family live in Europe. However, I'm saving up to buy an apartment so I dont have to get tortured by my father. I quite often stay at friends houses when it gets really bad. They know the situation but not what happens. I can only ever bring myself to tell one person the full details. And that's Spencer's Hastings.

Spencer gets me. She used to have trouble at home. They would compare her to her older sister and really drag her down. That was until she got serious pill addiction and nearly overdosed. That's when her parents realised how hard it was in her. Now they have a really good relationship. Her parents are also like my parents as well. They look out for me and offer me a spare room and dinner when my dad will not provide it for me. They really include me as part of the family. I love them for it.

But spencer herself, wow, she takes my breath away. Spencer is really smart, like, she's a valedictorian. If you haven't realised, I really like spencer. Maybe even love her. She's beautiful, inside and out. In class I tend to stare at her a lot and always complement her whenever I can. I'd say I'm closest to her out of everyone in the group. She's the only one who actually knows what I'm dealing with at home. Spencer's trustworthy, I know my secrets are safe with her and I trust her with my life.

With our group, we all have the people we're closest to because all the other boys are dating the girls. Caleb is dating Hanna, Ezra is going out with Aria then Emily and Ali are also together. So while the others are closest with their partners, they leave spencer and i out a bit. They go to restaurants and movies with out us because were not dating and they fear that us just being friends will stop the fun. Pathetic, I know.

Tonight we're all sleeping over at a the community centre because there's a big hall where we can hold an epic sleepover. We're not really meant to go there but since Ezra's mum is the mayor of Rosewood, we can get away with it. There will be no adults just the 8 of us. We have to bring blankets and pillows to sleep on but Ezra's mum is bringing air mattresses. In the back of the community centre there is a kitchen and another room which is used as a social club. Everyone is making their own ways there so me and Spencer are going to walk together.


I knock on Spencer's back door and wait for a response.

"Hello Toby" Veronica greets me and invites me in.

"Hey mrs Hastings. How ya doing?" I ask politely.

"I'm great thanks. Spencer told me she'll be down in a minute. She was just finishing doing her hair"

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