Caught p1

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'Choose your turn' the board game read. Spencer debated whether or not to choose dare. The truth wasn't always that straight forward to reveal. She chose dare on the iPhone6s.

'What a waste of a nice phone' she thought to herself.

'Steal the ring or the girl gets it 👹-A.D'

Spencer thought for a minute. What girl? What ring? She thought for a second before realising this new -A wanted her to sabotage Toby's new relationship. Toby hadn't yet proposed but new he was going to. She's seen the ring. It made her feel numb.

Spencer debated if she should do it or go against the board game. She certainly didn't want to put Yvonne in any danger so she got in her car and drove off to Toby's trailer.

She parked her car a couple blocks down the road so nobody would know she was there. Spencer knew Toby was probably with Yvonne and Yvonne was working with her mom.

Spencer took a bobby pin out her hair and the gilt kicked in. Was she really doing this? Ruining her exes relationship for some stupid puzzle piece.

Nevertheless, she picked the lock and walked in. She instantly smelt Toby's cologne and felt at home. She took a minute just to look around. She had never properly been inside. Yvonne's side of the bed was neat and tidy like nothing was even there but Toby's side was messy and had dirty clothes on the floor.

Spencer remembered back to when she would always tidy Toby's bedroom and do his laundry because he would always leave it. Her OCD perfectionist side would kick in and force herself to face Toby's dirty bedroom. She chuckled lightly at the memory.

Now all she had to do was find the ring and leave. Spencer thought of Toby's favourite hiding places. So she checked behind pictures, on top of cupboards and under the bed. Then it came to her. Toby always his valuable items in his sock draw because nobody ever dated to go on there. It was like a laundry basket. Full of dirty pants and dirty socks that put in there when he couldn't be bothered to wash them.

She opened the draw and put her hand over her face. It truly smelt terrible. Her hands felt dirty as she dug around. When she felt a hard, small box, she pulled it out knowing what it was. She glanced inside and had that numb feeling again. She closed the box back up and turned out.

"Toby, what are you doing here" Spencer exclaimed when she saw Toby standing in the bedroom doorway.

"I could ask you the same question" he chuckled.

"You're supposed to be with Yvonne" Spencer told him. Toby shook his head and sat on the bed.

"We broke up a week ago, I just come home from getting some milk" he explained.

Spencer brain began to function. -A set her up. A- deliberately wanted her to get caught. She hadn't seen Toby for 2 weeks so this was all news to her.

"Now what are you doing snooping around my house and with my ring" Toby asked but he didn't seem annoyed.

Spencer fiddled with her fingers and shrugged."I don't know"

Spencer placed the ring down and picked up her bag ready to leave. She began to walk but Toby grabbed her hand.

"Talk to me Spence. I know you wouldn't just take that without a reason. If it's all started again, you don't have to keep it from me again" Toby could tell by the way she'd been acting recently that something was up and he wanted to be there for her in the long run.


After an hour of explaining the whole -A.D situation with Toby, she had revealed to him everything that had gone on since charlottes murder. He sat there shocked that nothing had been done about it.

"What can I do to help?" Toby asked.

"Just stay away from me. I don't want you to get involved and get hurt" she told him. She picked up bee purse and turned around.

"Maybe so have no way of getting hurt, you should leave rosewood for good. It's not like you have anything here for you now anyways. It'll be for the best" Spencer added.

"But I wanna help. Dont push me away Spence. How can I be there for you when you won't let me in. I can protect the both of us. I'll guard you with my life so that you're safe" he pleaded. Toby wanted her. To be with her. To be able to love her again. He'd never stopped.

"That's not your job anymore Toby and you know that."

"Then I'll make it my job. Spencer after all this time, I still love you. I'm not moving away just to protect myself. Don't give A that power over us."

"Toby there is no us. You just broke up with your girlfriend" she explained. She tried to walk away but Toby pulled her back.

"I broke up with her because you're the one I want. You always have been"

"Well I'm sorry it can't be like that anymore. I can't put your life in danger again"

And with that, Spencer left and Toby just watched her walk away...

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