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Spencer sat in the brew, feeling lonely. All her friends seemed to have their happy ending whereas she was still waiting to get a boyfriend. Or preferably Toby.

Her strong black coffee wasn't enough to wake her up for all her sadness and emotions she was left feeling after her crazy twin took came and took over he life.

"Can I sit" she heard a friendly voice interrupt her thoughts. Spencer looked up to see Toby. That instantly put a smile on her face.

"Sure" she smiled

Toby sat down and took a sip of his coffee. Spencer checked her phone to see a missed call from her mum. She cleared the notification and set her phone down.

"So how have you been" Spencer asked politely

"Alright but I think I should be asking how you are considering what happened last week"

There was a brief silence.

"You're so brave. You know that right?" He added.

Spencer blushed and shrugged her shoulders

"I've been meaning to talk to you about Alex—" Spencer started but Toby interrupted her

"You dont have to tell me anything just yet. I know it may be too soon"

Spencer nodded and stood up. She knew she had to get back to her mum. She only stopped working for a quick coffee break. She knew that if she was to continue talking to Toby, she'd never leave.

"I better go. My mums expecting me home" she said

"I'll call you" he told her.

"I'd like that" she smiled.

Spencer left the brew thinking of what she'd tell Toby about Alex and how too.


Hours later, Spencer was tossing and turning in bed. She couldn't sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw Alex drake and an axe. She decided to get up and go for a drive. Not with a specific location. Just anywhere the car would go.

Bored of driving around rosewood, she pulled over.

She decided to call Toby. He'd soothe her and she'd be able to sleep. Spencer dialled the number she knew off by heart and waited.

"Hey" she said relieved that he answered.

"You don't usually call at night, is everything okay?" He asked

"Yes. I know it's late but do you wanna hang out. Like right now" Spencer said hoping he'd say yes.

"Sure. I'll meet you at our special place"

Spencer smiled thinking about how he remembered the look out point from all those years ago. She started her car engine and hurried to the cliff over looking rosewood.

A couple minutes she got there surprised to see he was already there. When she saw him, she buried herself into his chest and bought him into a tight embrace. Both of them really needed that.

"I'm ready to tell you about Alex" Spencer announced.

Toby nodded and they walked over to their special rock. They took a seat and she began to pour the truth out.

"When I was in the bunker... Alex told me that she's in love with you Toby. She's manipulated you into sleeping with her. I'm so sorry. It was in your cabin after tanner took me in for questioning. I don't know how it happened between the two of you but all I know if that it wasn't me in that bed with you. Although I wish it was because you don't deserve that after what happened with Jenna." Spencer sobbed into her hands trying to get the words out.

"She made aria join her team. She also kissed you before you left for Maine. She made the game and wanted to kill me for not having the friends and family I had." She took a deep breathe.

"I haven't told anyone this but I no longer feel safe. I haven't slept in days. Yes, I've gone back to the pills. I can't handle everything. I'm so alone. I just feel like such a disappointment." At the end she started hyperventilating.

"I should go" Spencer said and she wiped her tears and got up. Toby took her hands and sat her back down.

"Spencer you listen to me. You're perfect, you're not at all a disappointment. What happened with Alex was not at all your fault. It was that psycho. You can't control what she does. Who cares if I slept with her or kissed her. What matters is that I thought it was you. See, that shows you're not alone. I want you. And the pills, we've overcame them together once and we can do it again. Also since you can't sleep, come stay at the cabin with me for a while. I'll look after you. You'll be safe and no longer alone. I've got your back Spencer. We can get past this. Together. In the end it's you and me" he told her.

They hugged each other tight. Toby led her to his truck, he didn't what her to drive in the state she was in. He'd come back and get it later. The drive in the truck was quiet but it was comfortable. Toby put on a brave face and pretended that what she told him didn't just destroy him. Although it secretly did. He made love to someone who tortured his lover and friends. He felt as though he was the one who betrayed her.

When they arrived, Spencer walked in looking around. It took Toby a minute to realise that she'd never been there before, it was alex. Toby went into the open bedroom and got a shirt for spencer to wear.

"Here, wear this. It'll be comfier." Toby smiled.

Spencer took the shirt and gave a small smile. She took a seat on the couch and Toby followed her.

"Are you hungry" he asked. She shook her head and tilted her head back so it was resting against the sofa.

"I'm so tired" she yawned. It was true. Since she found alex, she hadn't slept at all. Spencer was tired, but she couldn't sleep. She replied on the pills to help her get through the day and at night, she'd just stare a the ceiling for hours on end.

"We can go to bed now if you want." Toby suggested.

Spencer nodded at stood up. For some reason (maybe the fact that she loved him) she was really looking forward to tonight. She knew she could count on Toby for a good nights sleep. She'd feel safe and protected knowing that he'd hold her in his arms.

They went into the bedroom. Spencer figured that there was the bed which Spencer's twin raped Toby. A wave of anger flooded through her but she knew she had to stay calm, she didn't want to set Toby off.

Spencer took of her blouse not caring about getting changed in front of Toby. Toby's shirt felt like Home on her. She knew the familiar feel of the Toby scented cotton on her. Spencer took off her leggings and got in the covers, rolling over so that she'd be facing Toby.

Toby took his button up shirt off and then his jeans leaving him in his boxers. He got into bed just after turning off the light.

"Wake me up if you wake up and I'll help you fall back to sleep" he told her. Spencer smiled and rolled over so that Toby could cuddle her.

"Your feet are cold" Toby chuckled and wrapped his legs in with hers trying to warm her feet up.

"Thank you Toby" spencer whispered.

"Is fine. I hate having cold fe--"

"Not for warming my feet, for everything. For always being there for me, comforting me and sticking by me. I'm so lucky to have you Toby. You're amazing and you deserve the world. Honestly Toby, don't accept anything other than the best"

Toby really wanted to tell her that he loves her but was scared of her reaction. Like what if he didn't love her back. That would leave him devastated.

"I already have the best in my life" he smiled.


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