Retrieve a soul pt2

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This is part two of the one shot. Hopefully a bit happier. I recommend ready the first one again just to refresh your minds.

"Is this spencer Hastings" a female voice asked.

"Yes why"

"You're Toby Cavanaughs emergency contact number. He's been in an accident. Mr Cavanaugh was on his motorcycle when a lorry slipped on the highway due to the snow and it hit his bike and knocked him off the road. I'm sorry but it's not looking good, I'd appreciate it if you could come to rose woods hospital. He's currently in theatre." The nurse explained.

Spencer ran to her car and sped to the hospital. She got in there and saw her ex boyfriend being wheeled unconscious in a bed to an emergency operation room. Toby was shaking, looking like he was having a seizure.

She ran over to him shaking him and crying.

"Please wake up" she screamed crying. Nurses pulled her back and he was rushed into the room and all she could do was sit and wait.

After 3 hours of crying  and waiting, a nurse came over to spencer.

"I'm sorry miss Hastings. Toby didn't make it, Toby's in heaven now, I'll give you some alone time" the lady kindly said and then walked away.

Spencer watched as a black body bag got wheeled down the hallway. She gave up.

Spencer finally snapped.

Both hers and Toby's lives were over and it was all her fault......

"I love you Toby. I'll come find you. Please dont hate me. I'm so sorry baby. I love you. Please come back" she sobbed


"When we're picturing our futures together, we're not looking at the same picture anymore"

Spencer curled up in a ball and cried. Her whole life flashed before her eyes. She fell into a deep trance. A trance creating an image of what it would be like if she agreed. In this trace, she saw Toby ripping of their matching bracelets and tearing a picture of of the couple. Then leaving her apartment just to get into an accident on the highway. She saw herself trying to find him and getting the dreaded call. The dreaded call telling her he'd been in an accident and to get to the hospital as soon as possible. When she got there, he had a seizure but it was already to late. Toby Cavanaugh had died. And with that so did she.

Spencer forced herself to remember when she woke up from this trance, that it was all a dream. And still in front her was her boyfriend Toby. Confused as to why she blacked out for about 10 minutes.

"Toby I dont care of we have different pictures. We can adjust them. Make it work. Babe I love you" spencer pleaded. What she had just imagined really scared her. It changed her views.

Toby stood there shocked as to why she suddenly had a change of mind. He was always the one to apologise, come running back because spencer was too stubborn. This was new for him.

"Toby please say something. Say you love me too" she sobbed uncontrollably getting on her knees. He'd never seen her look so wrecked before.

Toby knew he couldn't be mad at her. He sat on the bed and took her into his arms. He cradled her like a baby and rocked her back a forth gently.

"I love you spencer. Nothing could ever make me stop. I love you and nobody else" Toby whispered as she tried to control her breaths.

"No matter how much we argue, I will never leave that door until we are alright. Until we tell each other how much me love each other. Until I've made it up and loved you enough to make you happy again. No argument will ever break us up. We're spencer and Toby. We can get through anything" Toby promised her.

The exhausted girl looked up and wiped her tears giving a small smile. She leaned in giving him a short kiss. They pulled away looking into each other's eyes. They knew this is how they was going to spend the rest of their lives.

Enjoying being together in each other's arms. Loving each other unconditionally...

Hey guys. Just in case you're confused, everything after when Toby said about picturing their futures together, was just a vision in Spencer's mind of what she imagined would happen if she let him leave. No, he didn't really die.....

I Would never let that happen in a story.....

Comment your thoughts and prompts.

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