Then the system came in and decided to move me to my godmother, my Aunt Trisha, and Uncle George. What they didn't know is that they owned a strip club and bar and uncle George was a creep and Trisha was a bitch. So if I wanted dinner I had to participate. Either making drinks at the bar or dancing in the cages or on stage. And my aunt would try to beat me if she saw my uncle show any interest in me.

My boyfriend loved it, encouraged it honestly. But I started spiraling during that time. With the toxic relationship, my dad, my mom, my abusive uncle, and my aunt. Me and my boyfriend started to become unhealthy and toxic but we could never end it. He needed me and I needed him because his life sucked too. So he would cheat on me, then I would spiral and hate him. Hook up with his friend or do something stupid only to have angry makeup sex and start all over again. It was hell.

Then my Aunt and Uncle got caught for doing shady stuff and letting a minor work at a strip club. Getting me yanked back into the system and landing with my aunt on my mom's side during my senior year. Too bad Olivia ended up being a raging alcoholic that had a different man come over to her shitty trailer house every other day. Then me and my boyfriend ended up getting into it pretty bad and had a bad break, again. Sending me off the edge and I got caught with drugs and alcohol in my system as I was fighting a bitch at a party that was crashed by the police. Sending me onto probation where I had to stay clean for a few months, do community service, and was on house arrest for a bit. During that time Olivia OD'ed, she survived thankfully and was taken to rehab. Leaving me homeless once again and without a boyfriend to stay with or rely on that understood. But at that moment it made me want to stay clean at least.

After that, I started to live with my best friend and it has been a few weeks since. The system has been freaking out trying to find where to put me. I thought it was going to be some shitty group home but apparently, one of my mom's friends came forward. She volunteered to take me in. But that catch is, is that she lives in another fucking town hours away from here.

"We know, but that doesn't excuse you from it nor what happened." I sighed; whatever, I knew this was going to happen anyway. She reached back and yanked out another file from her metal cabinet in the back, "I'm going to ask you a few questions now."

"Wait, hold up, I want to ask a question first. Olivia went to rehab a few weeks ago and I've been completely fine. Even before that, I was fine," I paused for a second, "ish, fine-ish. Besides that I have friends, I like it here. No one judges because they all have their own crap I had to deal with. So why do I have to leave now when I can live with a friend?" Juliet took a breath.

"That's not how it works Chris and you know that. Now please let me ask you these questions." She looked up at me this time seeing if I would cooperate. I leaned back once again and moved my hand in the air, standing for her to go.

"Well have you been stable, no thoughts or actions, participating in anything bad or indulging in anything more than you should?" I knew what she was talking about and I've been clean for a few months now since I was put on probation. I nodded because she knew that. "Then let's continue," she asked me more questions about life, health physically and mentally, including other things.

"You will have to move in with this family. But your dad might come back or another relative. Be happy it's at least a family friend. " I forced a smile before letting it drop quickly. After her blabbering on some more, I could finally go. I went outside to my bike and biked to Yaz's house.

When I got there I went to the door. They had a little chair by it, not for sitting though. But forgetting the house key. It was tapped on the ceiling outside. I moved the chair and stood on it. Grabbed the key and quickly unlocked the door, then put the key and the chair back. I walked inside and shut the door.

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