27. Serenity

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She sits hunched under the willow.
Grey eyes glimmering with tears;
Mind tossing and turning with fears,
Though green moss is soft as a pillow.

Through murky tears she makes a find:
Eyes catch sight of sun dazzled floaters;
Calm and motionless in azure waters
Their serene pink beauty stills her mind.

Originally entered this one in one of the Poetspub competitions, about Claude Monet's Water-lilies. I wasn't planning on posting it here, but I thought that it's been quite a while since I've published any poems in this book, so I might as well add this one. I think it's the only rhyming poem I've written this whole year; the more I try to be true to my emotions when writing poetry the less drawn I feel to rhyme and metre, though I do love reading poems that contain them.  I hope you like it, once again it is quite a lot like some of my earlier poems.

Here is an interview of Claude Monet from 1924 that I found, I'll also write it in the comments:

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