"His fate is already sealed for trying to escape the maze. I don't know what he's doing with her, but the king wants him put down too."  The wolf then coughed and spattered as it acted as if there was something foul in its mouth.

"Goblin blood taste bad. Witch and sprite better blood." Yugi's eyes widen and quickly whispered in the girl's ear. Persona's eye's opened wide in horror and let out a scream as the wolf flung its self at her dragging her down underneath him. The goblin watched as the girl screamed and tossed as blood poured from her. The sprite cried out for it to stop but was slammed down by a huge paw. Getting to its feet it shook its head at the bloody scene before him. It turned to report to the king that the pair had been taken care of.


Yami paced in his throne room wondering what was taking so long. Surely, he would not need to send out his demon followers to handle something as simple as a sprite. The witch on the other hand...

What was a witch doing here in the first place? The last one he had killed was a warning to all of them to stay the hell out of this part of the maze. That was fifty years ago and not one has stepped foot since. The day he was crowned king of this land he swore to use every power he possessed to destroy any witch that crossed his maze. But there were those who did not take his threat seriously and found themselves burned or boiled alive.

The door to the room was throw open and he spun around so fast to the poor messenger forced to give him the news of the witch. Not seeing the witch or the sprite Yami's eyes burned red as he stared down at the sniffling goblin. "WELL!"

"Sire, it was reported that the witch was last seen being mulled alive by a wolf." The king took a step back at the news, but his eyes remained a glowing red.

"Being mulled by a wolf." He repeated lowly.

"Yes, sire and the sprite was crushed as it tried to get away." The goblin added quickly hoping that Yami would be satisfied by the news and order him to leave.

"And the bodies?"

"The bodies, sire?"

"I asked for them to be brought back to me didn't I. Where are the bodies?"

The room was deadly quiet, and the goblin prayed that his death would be quick. That prayer was not answered as the king stalked out of the room leaving behind a screaming creature.


(Persona PVO)

"Ouch! Will you leave it alone! I told you that it can't get infected. My saliva can take care of it!" I sighed as I dabbed some disinfected on Yugi's friend's bite wound.

As it turned out, Yugi's friend Joey was a werewolf who had lived in this maze nearly his whole life. He wondered too far from his pack as a pup and chased a rabbit into what he thought were just really big bushes. To him, this maze was his home, though he wasn't opposed to leaving it to go to somewhere better.

"Joey, Persona is trying to help." Yugi said as he watched us from a plate of fruit on the table. 

"Plus licking a wound is no way to clean it. What if it got infected." I chided as I dabbed at the wound one last time. The blonde boy jerk his arm away and growled saying, "Are you sure you're not a witch?"

"Oh, how very clever of you." I replied rolling my eyes as I capped the bottle of ointment.

When the goblin told Joey who we were Yugi told me to act very scared and to scream with everything I had. When a huge wolf has you pinned down to the ground with its teeth ripping at flesh screaming was not hard to do. The goblin ran off after seeing all the blood on me, but he didn't see that it was really Joey ripping apart his own leg that was out of sight. I was grateful that I went the extra mile by making under garments to wear under the dress beside a regular bra and panties. I ended up stripping down to a white bra corset, petticoat and stockings. Joey offered me a grey cloth to cover my shoulders with, which I happily accepted.  My dress was now laying torn and soaking in blood somewhere in the maze along with the hat. All I had left was my purse with a small sewing kit, my i.d., some cash and the black lipstick. Like an idiot, I forgot my cell phone and was already at the party when I saw it missing.

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