After a 40-minute walk we were crossing they bridge that separates Miyama and Shinto districts, thanks to the Mion River. The river it's as crystallized as always, with the reflection of the orange sunset making it look like as if they complement each other to make a spectacular show.

As I stopped and observed the scenery, a long-forgotten memory pops to my mind: a scene in this same bridge with the same evening where the sun was coming down. In this flash-back, there was a blonde girl who was staring at the sunset, her green eyes hinting that she was hurting, struggling in an inner conflict of emotions not yet described. She looked like a lost girl, not knowing what to do. But for some reason, I'm not able to distinguish her face as it was all foggy.

This memory was from when I was in my Holy Grail War. I don't remember why this girl was hurting but for some reason, as I see her, it hurts my chest. It's like as if I'm responsible for her pain. It almost feels like I am.

During that moment where I was in thought of that fragment of memory, Sakura went past me and halt to look at me while leaning a bit forward. Her expression says "worried" all over her.

"You alright, mister? Is there something troubling you?", she questions worrily.

A slight curve comes up in my lips, an effort of showing that I'm fine. It may not be much, but it was all I could muster.

"No need to worry for me, just remembering foolish mistakes that happened a long time ago.", I declared while still observing the familiar sunset.

Sakura still looked worried, not reassured about my well-being. I started walking ahead of her to evade any further questions. She followed me hesitantly about what happened.

One hour later...

As nightfall came upon us, we finally reached Miyama District, standing in front of the Matou Residence's gate. I sensed the presence of a boundary field. It's not a first-grade field but it does the job to detect any intruders.

"Thank you, mister. I'm grateful for escorting me today." she said while bowing her head.

"None needed, just helps me sleep better at night.", I answered while shrugging.

She looks away in brief thought and then looks at me with slightly pleading, yet worried eyes, "Mister, can you please watch over Senpai? I'm worried that he may be doing reckless stuff again so..."

I always known that Sakura cared a lot for Shirou, but of all people, she asks this to me? Such the irony...

"Fine, whenever I can I will check on him. Of course, I can't do much if the boy gets himself killed.", I stated bluntly, a little annoyed at the request.

Sakura giggles and gives me a smile of happiness, "You are very kind, Kiri. I hope to meet you again soon. And also, please call me Sakura."

"As you wish, Sakura. We will meet again soon enough."

She smiles one last time as she waves goodbye and enters the gate and into the residence. At least I did something good today.

I look up and stare at one of the windows that were light up. I saw a man with blue, wavy hair glaring at me before he got out of sight in the building. Must be Shinji that was observing all this time.

I observe the building one last time and went walking away from the area to put some distance. Then I halted, debating if I should go back to Shinto District to meet up with Luvia or go to the north-east side of Miyama to pay a visit to a familiar place.

Without delay, I decided where I should go first.

One Hour Later...

Taking my sweet time, I finally reached my destination. I was in a narrow street as I was getting close to the Emiya Residence to pay a visit to Shirou, since I agreed to Sakura that I would look out after him.

I stopped near the outer walls of the house, the spot where me and Rin was confronted by Saber two years ago. My first time seeing Saber again.

"That Saber, always on the offensive.", I murmured to myself and let out a slight chuckle.

Who knows what might had happened if Shirou didn't stopped her with a Command Seal. I would had meet my end there. Thinking about it, a lot of unexpected stuff happened differently in that Holy Grail War...

I put aside those thoughts and kept walking until I was in front of the gate of the outside walls. I knocked the door several times and waited for the response...

End of Chapter 4: A Hidden Regret.

Look forward to next chapter as it will present the first fight in the story!

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