High Hopes

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They hardly had any time to celebrate Eric coming back to life. After their kiss ended, Rapunzel helped Eric to stand, and their happy moment ended.

The guards that were chasing Eric before came back, along with Prince Henry. And let Sunto tell you, that prince looked mad.

"Grab him!" Prince Henry ordered, and the guards moved to do so. One took each of his arms and they dragged him away from Rapunzel.

She grabbed one of the guards' shirts and tugged at him. "Let him go!" she shouted, but no one listened to her. The guards threw her off him and to the ground, which flared Eric's anger. He fought the guards and threw them around for a change.

He stopped fighting when Prince Henry drew his sword and pointed it as Eric's throat. "Hold. Still."

The two of them had enough anger to trigger a Hulk. Rapunzel was on her feet again, reaching into the satchel she'd brought with her.

Henry eyed Eric, uncertain. "I know you from somewhere, don't I?"

"Perhaps the awful wanted posters hanging around this area," he spat. "Or I've stolen from you before."

The Prince shook his head, a small smirk on his lips. "No ... I know where. Release him."

The guards were confused at first, but obeyed. They let Eric go, though he didn't run like Sunto thought he might.

Prince Henry sheathed his sword. "Five years ago, you came to my birthday celebration and managed to trick my father into giving you his favorite dagger. One with a ruby encrusted into the handle."

"So, he robbed your father?" a guard asked.

"No." The prince shook his head. "He's a prince. The son of King Kingsley and Queen Maria."

Eric grimaced and shut his eyes. His fists balled at his sides as he probably pondered on whether or not stabbing Prince Henry was an option.

The guards knelt before Prince Eric, which only worsened his mood. "No no no! Get off the ground now! I don't want to see you kneeling in front of me ever again!"

"Yes, your majesty," he guards replied.

Eric groaned and cursed under his breath. He turned to Prince Henry and snarled, "I hate you."

Henry only smiled at him. "If you can't tell, I don't really care." Henry stepped up to Eric and said, "I just want the slipper you took from me. That's all, and we'll be on our way and forget we even saw you."

Eric looked to Rapunzel and went up to her. He reached into the satchel and took the slipper out. It reflected light and dazzled the crowd that was in the dark. Eric went back to Prince Henry and handed him the slipper like he was glad to be rid of it.

"I thought it was made of diamond. But it's just glass," he admitted. "It's almost worthless."

Henry disagreed, shaking his head. "Not to me." He slipped the slipper back into his own bag and gave Eric a slight bow. "Thank you. We'll be out of your hair now."

He and his guards moved towards the other side of the stage. As the guards passed Rapunzel, Henry took her hand. "Thank you as well, miss." He kissed the back of her hand and smiled.

An act that infuriated Eric. "Hey! Get your own princess!"

Henry grinned to himself and let go of Rapunzel's hand. As he walked off the stage, he held the same grin, knowing he'd gotten under Eric's skin. "Don't worry. Once I find the other slipper, I will."

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