In Your House of Memories

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"It feels so weird though. Why does she even consider going to the ball? Just because a random guy says it will be fun, doesn't mean it's a good idea," Cinder argued, aghast at Kai's opinions on the play.

"But it's a love story. That requires faith, trust-"

"And pixie dust?" Cinder bite her lip to prevent her smile from showing.

"No. I was going to say sacrifice and perseverance. This guy goes off into a forest full of monsters and fights for his life, just to find Cinderella. I think that justifies his feelings toward her."

"But three-fourths of the play is Cinderella running from the prince! He could be a stalker that's obsessed with her. I mean, who falls in love with someone after talking to them once for about five minutes?"

He laughed nervously for a second or two. His hand rubbed the back of his neck. "Lots of guys feel that way about girls. We met chicks who are attractive, but forget them in ten minutes. Then, there are girls that only they think are hot and can't get her out of their head. They try to find out more about them and hang out with them. And it tortures the hell out of us when the girl they have a massive crush on doesn't even notice." His eyes bulged when he finished, registering the fact that he just gave her an insight to the workings of a teenage boy's mind.

"Give me one example, from this school, of a guy who thinks that way about a girl."

"Well ..." He raked his hand through his hair. When it fled from his eyes for a moment, Cinder caught his copper eyes. Stark, pronounced, unique, and melting. "Please don't tell anyone this 'cause I might not be right. But ... I think Ze'ev feels that way about your friend. I think her name's Scarlet."

"Impossible," she blurted. "They fight all the time. They're bitter rivals on the track. Worst of all, they feel the need to keep tabs on each other so they can mentally pin the other to a wall, for fun."

"When a guy likes a girl, and she doesn't notice, it can drive him mad. Maybe, Ze'ev is pissed at Scarlet for not noticing that he cares about her."

"I don't think so. He looks at her like she killed his father or something. They do a lot of the same things, but they hate each others' guts."

"We'll see about that. And if they end up together, don't say I didn't know it before they did," he smirked.

"Fine, Mr. Prince-of-Romance."


He seemed so sweet. So unbelievably kind that he could never end up to be the inconsiderate jock he is now. How did he turn so rude and aggressive? And why did he hate her so much now?

"I can't wait until tonight," Winter boomed out of no where.

"Why?" Scarlet was still in the middle of questioning why Wolf despised her now.

"We're having a sleep over at your place tonight. Remember?"

"Oh, yeah," she laughed nervously. "I knew that."

"You forgot, didn't you." Winter smiled devilishly at her. "And you say I'm the forgetful one."

"I didn't forget," Scarlet insisted. "It just slipped my mind for a second. And my Grandmere is going to be out at a farmer's convention or whatever it's called. So we'll have the house to ourselves."

"Maybe we can play 'Would you rather' tonight. I love that game." The smile that was playing on Winter's lips was devilish, and frightening.

"What?" Scarlet asked, genuinely scared.

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