Good Times

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The scene changed, back to the stone well with Snow White humming to herself next to it. The tower was back where it had been before. Tucked into the corner of the stage, barely visible past the curtains. Sunto couldn't see if the Evil Queen was still watching her step-daughter from the window, but he hoped she wasn't.

By the base of the tower, the Huntsman came back on stage. His expression was grin, but his eyes told another story. Like he was about to do something so sad and hurtful he knew it would haunt him.

From his belt, he pulled a dagger out. The handle was worn and tough, just like the Huntsman. He gripped it and gave himself white knuckles before walking up to Snow White.

Sunto knew this story. He knew that the Huntsman wasn't going to kill Snow White. He would help her run away and then lie to the queen. Then the queen would get mad that he helped her and try to kill Snow White herself.

Then the queen would get crushed by a boulder! Sunto thought that part was cool. His mom called it "instant karma".

The Huntsman stopped a few feet away from Snow White. "Your Majesty," he said. "I've been ordered to take you somewhere."

Snow's face lit up. She smiled at the Huntsman, thrilled. "What adventure are you taking me on today?"

He grimaced and told her, "We're going to the brook. Just outside the castle walls."

She clapped, excited. Without the hand the Huntsman lent her, she jumped up and skipped her way across the stage, waving to the animals she passed.

The Huntsman was sullen, and couldn't help but check over his shoulder. He looked at the tower's high window, where Sunto noticed a lone hand waving him on. He muttered something under his breath, and followed after Snow White.

This time, when the scene changed, the light's didn't go out. The parts and props on stage moved in the opposite direction as the Huntsman. The tower went completely off stage, the well as well. Trees and bushes scooted across the stage, as if someone was pulling or pushing them into place.

What was even cooler was how the Huntsman was staying in the same place, but he was definitely walking. It was cooler than watching someone do the Moon Walk.

He came to a stop when a bridge rolled to the center of the stage. He stood on the right side, his dagger still in his hand.

Snow White came skipping back on stage from the other side of the bridge. The trees were clustered around them, making the area dense and concealed from the rest of the world. The animals from before started popping up from behind trees, under branches, and inside bushes.

They were just as nervous about what was going to happen as Sunto was.

"What will we do today, my Prince?" Winter beamed. She twirled, letting her dress slightly ripple around her feet.

The Huntsman sighed. "Your Majesty, I'm not a prince."

She tilted her hand and took a step closer to him. "You are to me."

"Oh my god," the lady sitting on the other side of Sunto whispered. She was younger than his mom, and so was her friend next to her. The friend handed her a tissue. "Thanks."

Back to the play, the Huntsman was holding the dagger out, not a foot from Snow's stomach. "She ordered me to kill you. The queen. She told me ... I have to bring back your heart as proof."

Rather than be afraid, Snow placed her hands around his wrists. Not moving them away, not wresting them for the dagger. She just ... held him.

"If you don't bring her my heart, she will kill you," she reasoned. Her eyes glittered like glass. "Jaecar, I would rather die here by your hand, then suffer your death and my own by another."

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