Please Don't Go

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"Why are you here?" Scarlet asked. Even though Wolf was just sitting on his stool in the corner, it was bothering her. So what if she like the version of Wolf that was eight? She hated the Wolf she knew now, and wished he would just leave her alone.

It never occurred to her that he could want to be in here. He was probably staying to irk her. Which made her despise him even more. Well, the new him.

"Like I said," Wolf began. "Because I can be. And ... everywhere else, someone is being a little to .. annoying."

Scarlet smiled to herself. "I can understand that." She felt Wolf's stare turn up to her. For the first time in a long time, she'd finally agreed on something with him. Though she felt strange about it, even if it was just a short joke he'd made, it made her feel closer to the time they'd been friends. Back when they agreed on everything.

"I miss it," she whispered under her breath.


That breath suddenly caught in her throat. "Nothing," she wheezed. Thankfully, he didn't seem to care, and went back to reading his script. But really, it wasn't even close to nothing. And Scarlet hoped she never had to admit that.


Winter felt completely content on reading her script by herself. And she couldn't help but imagining all of the birds and forest life flutter and prance about the stage. Making merry of themselves, gracing her presence.

"Hmm Hmm, Hmm, Hmm," she lulled to herself. "Fluttering flowers and dancing deer, birds flying in the sky. Listen to all of the sounds you'll hear, when you only try. Sing along and learn the song, of animals all around. The only place that I belong, is among them on the ground."

"What a beautiful voice you have, Winter." She hated the owner of that voice almost as much as she hated Levana. The person who owned it was almost as cruel to her as Levana.

"Thank you," she said politely. "But I'd like to be alone right now."

He stepped out from behind the curtains, into her view. Winter did her best to hide her distaste at the fact that he was annoying her ... again.

"What do you want, Aimery," Winter asked, quite annoyed. He strut around, and sat down just a few feet from her.

His smug smile was almost to sickening to even look at. "Practicing lines with you would be nice. After all, you are the princess."

"And, in the play, you're the Evil Queen's guard."

"So? Why does that matter. We can still practice lines together." His tone was so unnerving. And what scared her even more was him reaching to grab her hand.

"Hey!" His hand clutched her wrist. She struggled against him and pushed her heels into the ground.

"Why do you keep resisting me?" Aimery asked, squeezing her wrist tightly.

Panic ran through her veins and her platelet manufacturing plant. She saw red streaks forming on the walls around her. Blood.

"HEY!" a voice bellowed from the front of the auditorium. Both of them jerked their heads to see who it was.

There might as well have been a heavenly light glowing behind him, which was what she was imagining. Her prince, her knight in shining armor, came gallivanting down the aisle toward her and the evil man holding her prisoner.

Suddenly, Aimery's grip on her arm released, and he pushed a few inches back from her.

"What do you think you're doing to Winter?!" Jacin demanded. He stormed onto the stage with a deadly look in his eyes. Enough that he could have killed anyone who tried to deprive him of what he wanted, especially Aimery.

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