The Death of a Bachelor

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Kai thought that explaining what happened to Cinder would be difficult. Yet, when he brought her into the hospital, practically everyone doctor and nurse in the building recognized her. One of them told him to help her into a room and take off the hoodie.

He found it sort of funny that she protested relinquishing his hoodie. She'd grown very attached to it in the car and was now refusing to be rid of it. So, he made a compromise with her. She would take it off, but could hold it in her lap.

The doctor was a woman in her mid forties who knew Cinder all too well from the way she poke about her and treated her. Cinder must have known her too, for she treated her like an old friend that she'd known for years. After having Cinder change out of her dress and into a hospital gown in another room, the doctor gave her a shot from a syringe of clear liquid. The doctor then had her sit on the side of a hospital bed.

For a while nothing happened. Kai thought it was just sugar water or something.

He was proved wrong ten minutes after.

When the shot finally took full affect, Cinder was barely keeping herself awake. She had to lie down to keep from falling over.

"What's happening to Cinder?" Kai inquired, still reeling from what those pills did to her personality and how her skin reacted to the tough of others.

The doctor cleaned the syringe and threw it into a special, red trash bin just for needles. "She has a rare skin condition that makes her "allergic", so to speak, to other people's skin. She took too much of her medication, so I gave her a small dosage of a detoxing agent to clear her system." The doctor smiled at him. "She'll be fine. She just needs to rest for a while. And I had someone call her stepmother to notify her of what happened."

Relieved, Kai allowed himself to slouch in his seat. He sat next to the hospital bed Cinder was slowly falling asleep on. He was glad that he would be alright.

Someone knocked on the door. Kai and Cinder looked over to see another doctor or nurse. "Cinder, you have visitors." The words gave Cinder a faint smile.

"Yay," she smiled. "Let them in."

The doctor nodded and stepped out of the doorway. The group who flooded in next was composed of Scarlet, Cress, Thorne, and Wolf. All of them still in their dance attire. Scarlet and Cress gave Cinder a knowing look. Wolf was outright concerned and had no clue as to what Cinder was doing in the hospital. And Thorne, he couldn't even see her. So all he did was snidely remark.

"This place looks awful," he cringed. Everyone rolled their eyes and groaned simultaneously.

The doctor who treated Cinder was the only one who didn't seem to get it. "What's wrong with the room?" Her whole face scrunched, as she couldn't see what was wrong with it.

Scarlet leaned over to the doc and revealed, "He's kidding. He can't actually see the room because he's blind."

"How would you know, Benoit?"

She stepped up to him and flicked his nose. He leaned away from her and scrunched his face, then covered his nose to protect it from further attacks. "Did you see that, Carswell?"

He growled. "Touche, Benoit."

The rest of the chuckled, even Cinder. Man, she was fading fast. She willed her eyelids to remain open for her friends. She stayed awake to talk with them for a little while longer. They brought in more chairs for all of them to sit down and talk with her.

The first one to pass out was Cinder, obviously. Since she was the one with the reason to be in the hospital and all, she kind of lost her consciousness quickly. After that, the rest of the group talked for hours. The doctors let them stay, because they said it would be better if Cinder woke up to be surrounded by friends than no one at all.

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