Four Boys, a Theater, and a Big Mouth

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"I can't believe this." Rikan was too elated to stand, so he plopped down into his chair. "Four girls with excellent voices, just happen to show up and none of them actually came to audition?" He shook his head in disbelief. "This is just amazing."

"What's amazing is that they all know each other and have characteristics like the lead female roles." Erland too was shaken by how uncanny this was. "One already has red hair, another has a long braid, and they all have perfect voices."

"So I guess this means we have our leads then?" Rikan already knew the answer to that question. Erland nodded. "Okay, we have our stars. Well, at least the female ones. We still have have to pick the male leads."


"We are so getting the lead male roles, Kai. We got nothing to worry about." Thorne rolled his eyes at all of the comments Kai made earlier. "Why are you even paying attention to the other guys who tried out. They all sucked!"

"My dad holds me to higher standers than he does his other students," Kai complained. "He expects me to be this wondrous actor, and no matter what I do, I let him down."

"Well, he just might have to give us some of the leads. If he doesn't want this play to go under before it even starts."

"Okay. But there are four lead male parts. Even if we both get one, there will still be two other guys with us."

"Let's just hope they don't suck that much." As they continued with their snide remarks about the cast so far, they were joined by the missing members of their party. Jacin and Ze'ev came out of the gym in their track jerseys.

"How did it go, guys?" Kai was never really into sports, but he thought he should at least show some interest, for his friends.

"It was great." Jacin nudged Ze'ev. "This guy saved our butts when his brother, 'got a cramp'. That guy is such a faker. No offense dude."

"None taken," Ze'ev shrugged. "He doesn't think about anyone but himself. I bet he was trying to throw the meet for the other team again. We've caught him doing it before."

"So, you geeks here for theater tryouts?" Jacin was smirking because he thought plays and acting were dumb.

"Yeah. And this play is going to need all the help it can get. All of the others who have tried out stink worse than a dump." Thorne pinched his nose and waved his hand for emphasis.

"Don't look at us dude. We don't know the first thing about acting." Ze'ev wasn't confident they were better than the rejects who already tried out.

"Come on, dude. You'll be fine," Thorne grinned. The two were not budging. They all spun around when they caught the sound of a herd of girls coming. "I hope that's not Levana and her goons."

Once the doors opened, four girls strode out of the way. Thank the stars they weren't Levana, Sybil, and her other jerks. Kai hadn't seen these girl before, which was odd. They were all laughing about something when the blond with the long braid spoke. "I love that Smosh video! And when the cop girlfriend comes out of the bushes and starts shooting him, that was the best!"

They walked by, as if the group of boys didn't even exist. As they did, Jacin was smiling at one of then. "Who does this guy have a crush on?" Thorne laughed. Jacin shot back a glare and elbowed him.

"I don't have crush on someone you idiot. She's just a family friend, that's all. Grow up!"

"Okay, Thorne's an idiot, what else is knew? But will you guys at least try out?" Kai begged. His father's reputation was at stake. And in no way was it going to be soiled by students who were musically challenged.

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