I Can't Help-

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Thorne woke up that morning, groggy and numb. He stretched out and got out of bed, rubbing his eyes to make his sight clearer. He found his shirt, jeans, socks, and other clothes for the day. He put on his shoes and tied the laces. He got his backpack from across the room and threw it over his shoulder.

He trudged down the stairs and saw his mother doing her make-up, his father reading the paper. Per usual affairs. He got his own breakfast together, toast and an apple, and sat on the stool at the counter. His father eyed his suspiciously, and Thorne returned with a glare.

"What?" he questioned. "Am I not eating my toast right?" Yes, the mockery is strong with Thorne in the mornings. Especially Monday mornings, when the world was horribly miserable and forcing him to got to school after the weekend was over.

Facing forward, Thorne found his mother with an expression revealing she was dumbfounded. Okay, Thorne was used to weird looks from his parents. Just as they'd eyed him with disbelief the day he brought home the Rampion.

This was different. They seemed more surprised than disappointed. As if Thorne making his own breakfast was an amazing feat that no other person his age could accomplish. He did his best to ignore it. Focusing in eating his apple and toast certainly helped. Once done, he placed his plate in the sink and called out, "I'll be back after school."

With his keys in his jacket pocket, Thorne got to the Rampion and slipped inside. It'd felt like months since he'd been behind the wheel. The car was exactly how he'd left it. He drove to school in fifteen minutes, and parked his car adjacent to Scarlet's and Cinder's.

Right behind him, Kai pulled up and parked in the spot on his right. Rather than say "hi" to his best bud, he stormed over to Thorne and demanded, "Why in the name of stars are you driving?!"

"What do you mean, why am I driving? I always drive to school. The bus doesn't stop at my house." From the looks his parents gave him to Kai yelling at him about something Thorne had done since he got his permit, Thorne was done. He groaned and said, "First my parents, and now you. What is with you guys."

Thorne got out of his car and took his bag out with him. Kai tried to keep up. "Dude, why are you driving? You could have killed someone!"

He stopped and faced his friend. "Are you saying I'm a bad driver?" That was the only thing Thorne could gather from what his friend was saying. Thorne could feel the confusion and annoying situation in the day approaching. If this was how everyone at school was going to act, he'd have to consider taking the Rampion somewhere for the day and ditching.

Kai only stared, the same look his mother had sported this morning before Thorne left. He shook his head, then held up his hand. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

Thorne looked at his hand with a blank expression. "Three."

"Now?" he asked, changing it up.



"You're still holding up two fingers, Kai." While Thorne grew more and more peeved, Kai's amazement tripled in size. "What is with you man?"

Kai smiled broadly and gestured to Thorne. "You can see! Why didn't you tell me!?"

Thorne's face scrunched in confusion. "Dude, what are you talking about? I've always been able to s-"

That's when it hit him. He woke up the morning and saw his ceiling. He could see the clothes he put on, the stairs he walked down, the food he ate, his parent's faces, even the road while he was driving. Thank the stars for that.

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