Run Devil Run

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(Back to normal time, 11:00 Pm)

As the slow songs kept playing, Cinder and Kai kept dancing. She had no clue as to why Iko was playing so many slow songs in a row, or why she wasn't getting any complaints. Maybe it had something to do with all the theater that were watching them like they were part of a movie.

Cinder thought Iko described it with the words "ship" and "canon" for some reason.

Anyway, Iko played four, possibly five slow songs consecutively before changing the mood of the dance. Of course, that mood went back to crazy, upbeat songs.

And of course, Kai tried to dance to them, ending up looking like a crazed scarecrow on drugs.

At that point, Cinder only stood in the mist of the dance and watched Kai, shaking her head. "Why did I agree to come to this dance with you?"

He said something that was drowned out by the music. Upon completing his sentence, his face flushed. "What?" Cinder called out. "I didn't catch that."

He stopped, and scratched the back of his head, a tad nervous. "I said, 'Because we're friends and we're bonding'!"

Right off the bat, Cinder knew that was a lie. She could just tell with people when they were fibbing. But she wasn't about to push it. Not tonight, when everything was going so well. Stars, she couldn't remember the last time she'd been in a crowd this large and was having this much fun. Probably because those things had never really gone hand in hand for her.

"So," Kai began, still flushed. "Would you want to do this again sometime?"

Cinder's nose scrunched, though a smile was still plastered to her face. "I don't think the Drama club is going to host another dance anytime soon, Kai."

He chuckled slightly. "That's not really what I meant. I mean, would you ... would you ever want to-"

An evil figure loomed behind Kai and gripped his shoulders, pulling him to them. Her pink dress tight around her body as it only reached her knees. Her high heels making her inches taller than Kai.

Levana kissed Kai, albeit against his will, and held her eyes open so she might see Cinder's rage inflame. And oh, how Cinder's anger grew. Her jaw set in a snarl and her eyes narrowed. The kiss only lasted a few heartbeats, and Kai pushed Levana off of him.

"What the heck, Levana?!" Kai barked. He wiped his mouth on his sleeves to get Levana's poison off his lips. All the while Cinder was biting back a hundred words of disposition. Cinder got the funny idea that her heels might be hard and sharp enough to penetrate Levana's thick skull.

The evil queen smirked and faced Cinder. "Face it, Cinder. He's mine, and you're never gonna get a shot. After all, he's Kaito Freaking Huang. And he's worth ten times more than you'll ever be."

Acid ebbed at the tissue in Cinder's throat. Her eyes burned, for she could not tear up. She felt the heat of her rage surface on her skin. Her teeth ground one another so far they were nearly nothing but dust in her mouth.

Though her rage was on the verge of explosion, depression filled her lungs. Though Levana was a lying piece of garbage, Cinder knew ... she was right.

She knew she didn't deserve to be friends with Kai, though Levana meant more of an intimate relationship. Cinder would never get close enough to being worthy of such a high title as "Kai's Girlfriend". She was a lonely orphan, a worthless girl who never meant anything to anyone. She had no redeeming qualities, her personality sucked, and she was no where near as beautiful as someone like Winter. No one wanted her. All of her friends were going to leave her for far better people.

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