Somebody That I Used to Know

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All Scarlet could do was smirk as Sybil was loaded into the squad car in the parking lot. Though, she wasn't too happy that Cress's hair had been cut up to her neck. Or that Cinder was held up giving a statement to the police. Or, that Thorne was being taken to the hospital for mass head trauma and possible blindness.

"You okay?" Wolf asked from beside her.

Scarlet shook her head. "No. One of my friends could have been killed today, and Thorne got seriously hurt. He could be blind for the rest of his life now." She rubbed her upper arms once, twice, eight times before getting rid of the rush of chills she'd gotten after learning of what happened to her friends. All while she was practicing with Wolf.

"So... you about Thorne?" questioned Wolf. Scar had to fight down the snarl at his words.

Sure, that hurt. Sure, Wolf not remembering the fact that they used to be friends with Thorne as kids together was aggravating. But ... stars. All Scarlet wanted to was sock Wolf in the face.

"I used to be good friends with him when I was little. He was an okay guy," she answered, nearly emotionless. For a split second, she thought she saw Wolf's eyes sadden. But as soon as it came, it was gone. Replaced by the same blank features she was always met with when he faced her. Yeah, he totally remembers you used to be friends.

"We would spend lots of time together," Scarlet added, hoping to get a rise out of Wolf. "I twisted my ankle once, and he sat with me, hung out with me. Just .. kept me company I guess. Then, we kind of just .. grew apart."

Okay, maybe Scarlet was going crazy. Yet, she swore that Wolf's fists were getting tighter and his scowl growing deeper. Not really caring, Scar lifted her backpack over her shoulder and headed for her car. Today, she was driving to her house and getting what she needed to survive at her dad's house. Then, she was going to walk through hell and hope to make it out alive.


There were quite a few things Wolf had wanted to say to Scarlet before she drove off. Like, "How could you forget that I was there when you twisted your ankle?" "I was the one who carried you to the nurse and sat with you week after week to keep you happy." And, "Instead of going on saying Thorne has more value to you that I do, why don't you just stab me in the heart? It would be a hell of a lot less painful."

But like always, he couldn't say it. He could never say what he was feeling around Scarlet. Especially if it was how he felt about her. He couldn't find the guts to ask her out. He didn't have the courage to tell her how he felt about her and ask if she felt the same. And he had no idea on how to act on his feelings without her hating him.

Even though Wolf knew Scarlet didn't have any .. romantic feelings towards Thorne, it stung that Thorne was more important to her than he was. Did the universe just have to be again Wolf finally being able to have Scarlet to himself? Why could he be with her? Seriously, he'd been in love with her since they were eight. Why couldn't she just realize how he felt about her?

"You doing okay?" Kai asked behind him. Wolf shrugged. That's all he could do apparently. Just make a few gestures and act like and emotionless freak. Another regular day in the life of Ze'ev Kesley.

"You know Scarlet only said those things to get a rise out of you, right?" his friend smiled. Wolf had no idea what gave Kai that thought, but he knew it was unlikely. Her wanting to get a rise out of him would involve her caring about what he thought. And that was no a possibility.

"She just wanted to know how you'd react to her talking about Thorne like that. She doesn't like him."

Okay. At that point, Wolf was getting pretty fed up with Kai's garbage, and he didn't mean to say what he said next. "You have no room to talk, Kai. You can't even get Cinder to talk to you unless someone's life is in danger."

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