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Cinder sat in the waiting room of the hospital and waited. Waited for news on her step-sister's condition. She could still feel a slight numbness of her wrist, which should have been burning. But she guessed that too many of her cells were sending waves of worry to her brain for the rash to really send any signals.

Her medication began to kick in after about three hours of sitting around and doing nothing. All she could think about was her little sister. Poor Peony didn't deserve to be in this much pain. She was just a kid in Cinder's eyes. The only one in her household that was kind to her. She couldn't get hurt. Cinder wouldn't let it happen.

Adri and Pearl still weren't here. And it was driving Cinder insane.

It wasn't that they were busy, per say. They were their kind of busy. As in Adri was driving around and shopping for anything she thought would look nice in her house and Pearl was still at practice. Winter told her that since Cinder had left, Pearl had started flirting with Kai.

In other words, Cinder was the only one at the hospital to wait for Peony. Peony's doctor said that they tried to reach her other emergency contacts, but neither responded. All she could do was let the worry and fear of what was happening to her little sister.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She almost didn't grab it, but knew she needed something else to think about other than stressing about Peony. Slipping her phone out of her pocket, she saw that it was a notification from her school. They had a stupid school app that sends out notifications about dances and other school events.

But there wasn't another dance until Homecoming, which wasn't until October.

And what came up on her phone was definitely not for a dance. In fact, it actually made her drop her phone in shock.


He couldn't even think. He was sitting in the back of the auditorium with his phone in hand. But he wasn't the only one who got the alert. The entire room was abuzz with chatter. And poor Winter was hyperventilating in one of the aisle. Jacin had rushed to her side to comfort her – as well as Cress and Thorne.

But Wolf was frozen in his seat. He couldn't believe what he'd just read. His screen was still bright in his hands as the tension between his fingers threatened to crush it.

Student Scarlet Benoit pronounced missing by police. Her car found on the side of Barker Road.

Wolf's head was weightless and full of lead at the same time. His whole body felt numb as he hunched in his seat. Of course she was missing. She'd been gone for three days!!!! She never missed a day of school. Not even to rest her sprained ankle when she was eight!

As the rest of the musical cast gossiped and talked about what could have happened, Wolf stared blankly at the floor beneath his feet. What could have happened to her? Who could have done this to her?

"Wolf?" Jacin called from his spot on the floor. His arms were around Winter's back as she buried her face in his shoulder.

The moment he saw Winter in Jacin's arms, something inside him snapped. Releasing a heated, chain reaction of loathing. Jacin barely showed any affection towards Winter. And when she was upset, she ran to him like he was the only thing that could calm her. It was obvious that they were in love, but neither would admit it.

Even more still, Thorne had Cress eating out of his hand. She followed him around and obeyed his every whim. Thorne was a jerk to every girl he hung out with. He treated them like they were servants and arm candy. Why should he get to be with someone as kind and selfless as "the new Cress".

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