Bibbidi-Bobbidi Boo!

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The lights dimmed again and people started clapping. The young boy clapped with them until the lights came back up again and showed the stage back the way it was before the first change. It was decorated with the the things that were in the house the evil woman lived in.

Cinderella was placing her basket on the table as two girls walked onto the stage. One of them seemed nicer than the other, and the boy was right on about that.

"Oh, look," one of the sisters sneered. "It's dirty Ella. The Cinder Wench."

Cinderella's face turned sour and she ignored the first sister. The mean sister spoke for a while, bragging about going to the ball and how her mother bought her the prettiest dress the dress shop had to offer. The other sister looked nicer, but did not say a thing until the mean one was gone.

The Nicer sister smiled at Cinderella. "I'm sorry for her behavior, Ella. I know Drizella is cruel to you at times, but I'm sure she doesn't truly think that way about you."

"Oh, I'm sure she does, Anastasia," Cinderella argued. "She thinks I'm worthless."

Her step-sister patted her on the shoulder and gave her a saddened smile. "Are you going to the ball?"

Cinderella shrugged. "I don't know anymore. I was going to find a dress that was suitable and go because a young man asked me to-"


Leaning back from her loud sister, Cinderella said, "I don't know. I just met him in the market while I was getting food. But..."

"But?" Anastasia smiled, giddy and excited.

Cinderella sighed and toyed with the end of her sleeves. "But ... I felt like I'd seen him before. Somewhere else."

Anastasia hopped from foot to foot. She was super excited, like the young boy was when his mother told him they were going to the car wash. "Do you think you saw him once, in a dream?"

Cinderella got confused, as did the boy watching what was going on. He glanced at his mother, and saw her slightly smiling at the actresses on the stage. Though he did not know what was happening at the moment, he didn't want to disturb his mother while she was having a good time.

"What do you mean?" Cinderella asked.

That's when the sister broke into song.

"At night, while we're sound asleep,

In the dark, where shadows creep.

We dream and we fantasize

It's no time to rationalize.

This world is full of people,

Not all of them are kind.

But when you dream away from evil,

It's those we love we find.

Don't fret,

Don't despair.

If you miss it, it will be there,

It will return to you, your love.

During day, when we are made sad,

In the light, while you aren't glad.

You toil to no end,

You have no room to bend.

This life is full of madness,

And much is overblown.

But when you tear from sadness,

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