Never Alone

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The stars were glimmering above her head, and Scarlet was smiling like an idiot. Wolf had turned on the heat, seeing her shivering slightly. He was now driving her to Grandmere's house, since her car and things were in the police station at the moment. The second she got into her house, she was going to take the longest shower in the world and stay in her bed for a few days. That is, after she stuffed herself with all of the food in the house.

But, maybe she could fit in a few minutes to say 'hello' to Grandmere. Call her friends to tell them she was okay as well. And possibly the police department.

Still, she really just wanted to eat something, get cleaned up, go to bed-

And never let Wolf go.

This had to be proof that he cared about her in some way. He'd gone out of his way to rescue her from her father's basement and from those gang freaks. He risked his life to save her, and now he was driving her home. He had to like her ... in some way.

Yeah, she was over analyzing it. He probably just did it to be nice. Her friends were probably freaking out, and Wolf did it for his friends that wanted to be with Scarlet's friends. Especially Kai. Yet, why would he go so far to help her just to make his friends happy? Ughhh, this was confusing her already fried brain.

She wasn't going to have another chance anytime soon to talk to Wolf in private. And surprisingly, she might get kidnapped again if her father goes all psycho on her. So .. she felt like she had no choice.

"Wolf?" she began, her voice a little hoarse. He hummed in response. She took in a deep breath, closed her eyes, and let the air in her lungs go. "In second grade ... I had the biggest crush in the world on you. And ... not too recently, those feelings have .. kind of been coming back," she admitted. She could sense Wolf tensing up in the seat next to her, and felt the need to explain herself. "I just wanted to tell you ... in case I get kidnapped again. Or even killed." The last part was supposed to be a joke, but it didn't seem like he got it.

Oh, jeez. He's probably freaking out right now, her mind screamed. She squirmed slightly in her seat. Just as the headlight of a car came into view, approaching from the other side of the road. Slowly, the car she was in swerved towards the other car. Soon, Wolf was driving over the yellow line.

"Wolf!" she yelled. Scarlet grabbed the wheel and yanked it so the car went back into its correct lane. The other car honked at them as it drove in the other direction. "What the heck was that?!"

He was alarmed and breathing almost heavily. Shaking the fog out of his head, he began to pull over on the side of the road.

Oh stars, she thought. He's kicking me out of the car, isn't he. They weren't even that far from her house. She could walk to her house in ten minutes. The dark was a bit intimidating. But if anyone thought they were going to jump her tonight, they had another thing coming.

The car came to a stop, though he didn't tell her to get out. Wolf was staring straight out of the window. Eyes fixed as his skin grew a little red. Good stars. Had she caused him to have a panic attack or something? Guilt road up her spine and clouded her mind.

He leaned closer to her, his nose brushing against her gross, messy hair. In her ear, he whispered, "I've been in love with you since you were eight. I'd do anything for you."

Scarlet had never really blushed before. But stars, this was a huge exception. Her cheeks turned a shade lighter than her hair, and her smirk crept up the corners of her lips. As Wolf pulled away from her, she quickly turned and pecked him on the cheek.

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