🥀Death- part 2🥀

Start from the beginning

"He looked troubled" Natasha spoke up. I hoped she wouldn't realize but I guess she did. I ran a hand down my face thinking of a lie quickly.

"It's his Ex-girlfriends anniversary in a few days. Died about 3 years ago I believe, before I took him in." Technically is wasn't all a lie. The death day was coming up but in a month.

"Wow. That's just, wow" Bruce said speaking up for the first time. Everyone nods.

"He seems like he could handle himself. Especially with guns. Might telling us about that Bucky?" Clint asked. He tenses remembering the night about 3 months after he stopped Peter from jumping off the building Peter was held at gun point, shot in the chest. Thankfully he hadn't died and lived. It was a near death and Bucky remembered it all how Peter begged saying how he didn't want to go and how sorry he was. (Sorry) Bucky stayed silent.

"It's because I nearly died to one." Everyone's heads snapped up to Peter who must have been standing there the whole time.

"When did you get there?!" Clint and Natasha said having their hands ready to pull out there guns.

"About an hour ago. I finished packing my shit-


"- and decided to see what you were doing." Peter finished glaring at Steve who had interrupted him. Steve chuckled nervously.

"What do you mean you've nearly died to one Son of Barnes?" Thor boomed. Bucky's face turned red and Peter laughed.

"I was held at gun point. Shot in the abdomen. - Peter lifted up his shirt to show a scar, that didn't happen to the fact he was held at gun point. That had happened years ago when he was still getting used to Spider-Manning and got pretty hurt. First time getting shot. He was careful not to show any other scars. - got out ok and Bucky took care of the wound. Ever since he decided to teach me how to use guns and stuff. We go to a shooting range every Saturday. Anyways my stuffs ready, Bucky I'm guessing you have your stuff ready?" Peter asked Bucky nodded.

"Alright. Let's go."

2 years later.

After 2 long years of living with the Avengers, Peter still was able to keep his secret. Till today. After long hours of fighting Task Master the Avengers where loosing. Vision was in a box he couldn't shift through. Bruce was knocked out cold. And all the others were tied up in something. None of them could break out. They all tried. Tony with his blasters. Steve with his shield. Bucky with his arm. Everyone tried but nothing. Peter watched as they struggled to get out.

"Just tell me your identity Spider-Man and your team mates will be free." Task Master practically laughed. Did I forget to mention Spider-Man joined the Avengers? But he wasn't always with them. Cause he still had his internship and had to be Peter Parker. Bucky's eyes widened looking into Peter's mask scared. Peter silently looked away from Bucky and started walking towards Task-Master. He had hurt his team. His family. Task-Masters eyes widened when he realized how silent Spider-Man had been. Every time he fought something or someone and he went silent, people and villains knew they were in trouble. Civilians started yelling out to Peter telling him to just take the mask off. But he wouldn't cause oh ho ho ho he was pissed. Task-Master started running the other way when Peter shot a web at him stopping him from moving. Peter took his time walking towards the man who was struggling to get out of the webbing. Peter took the remote off the man and pressed the green button that made the Box disappear and the thing keeping his team tied up, disappear. Peter didn't have enough time when his mask was ripped off. He heard gasps when Peter turned around to Task-Master who had taken off his mask. Peter was angry and that was shown on his face. He punched the man out cold. Peter fell to his knees holding his mask in one hand and his abdomen in the other. Somehow one of taskmaster's swords pierced right through Peter before he could knock him out. Peter felt Bucky at his side in seconds. He looked up at the man scared.

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