Chapter 32: The Falling Star

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34-2-2-4012 DM, Perangar Eranga, Telama, Hilaraya

"That was a splendid meal, Menaji. Thank you very much," Aron said as he carefully placed his chopsticks over the empty bowl on the table before him.

"I'm glad you enjoyed the food," Menaji Diwa replied. "Ruki, our cook, will be very pleased."

"Now that we are all properly fed, it is time for some much-needed rest," Saraji Fernon said, looking at Aron's companions.

"The Saraji is right. We all had a long day, " Aron added as he looked around the table to see the satiated looks on the faces of his companions.

"Sanji, would you be so kind as to lead everyone to the quarters. I'm sure one of the Baruani will be glad to show you which quarters they prepared for us."

"Of course, Periji," Sanji replied and stood from his seat, bowing slightly.

"We shall see you all on the morrow and may the Banaramai watch over you as you sleep," Menaji Diwa said as he, too, stood from his seat.

At this, the sound of wood sliding on polished stone filled the air as everyone stood. Here and there, Aron heard murmurs of "goodnight" and "thank you" as the rest his companions walked towards the dining room door and out into the hall. Soon, he, the Saraji, and the Menaji were the only ones left, standing by the long dining table.

"So, what do you want to talk about, Periji?" Menaji Diwa asked without any preamble.

"Pardon me, Menaji, but is there somewhere private where we could talk?" Aron responded, looking around anxiously and hoping that none of the Baruani was around.

"We can talk here," Menaji Diwa said as he gestured with his hands to indicate the dining hall. "None of the Baruani will come here until I call upon them so you may speak freely. Let's take a seat."

Aron felt uneasy being in such a wide room, but he did as the other two. He took a deep breath and swallowed.

"Have you heard the news about the abductions of harani throughout Telama?" Aron asked in a hushed tone. Even though he whispered, his voice seemed to fill the dining room.

Aron saw the Menaji and the Saraji look at each other while their faces changed from curious to concerned. After a few seconds, they turned to face him.

"Yes, we have," Saraji Fernon replied. "I've heard of it from Kanayi merchants on my way here from Salandrin on the last quarter moon of spring. Why?"

"The harani of Yatlang and Gelang were abducted and I fear that they might come here for Dari and Alyana. I know this for a fact because Dari was abducted in Janang on the fourth day of last quarter moon. Jesi and I were poisoned by Dari's abductor and were unconscious for two days."

The Menaji and the Saraji looked stunned by Aron's news. They were about to interject but Aron continued to tell the amazing story of how he was reunited with Dari in Yatlang five days later. When he came to the end of his story, he saw a hint of understanding in Menaji Diwa's eyes.

"So, that's why you decided to travel with the Watchers as escorts," Menaji Diwa said thoughtfully. "To keep them safe."

"Well... Yes, Menaji, partly."

"Partly?" Saraji Fernon asked as his eyebrows rose in curiosity.

Aron hesitated. He didn't know how the two would take his news, but he took another deep breath and ploughed through.

"We have a reliable source who confirmed that the Gorasha was responsible for the harani abductions."

"What? The Gorasha?" Saraji Fernon exclaimed, almost losing his grip on the glass that he held on his right hand. "That's ludicrous! But how? They disappeared at the end of the Great War more than a thousand cycles ago. Are you throwing a quip now? If you are, it's the best one I've heard in a long time."

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