Chapter 24: An Unexpected Welcome

Start from the beginning

"I'm sure they miss you too, Dari. I have no doubt of that," the Periji said, placing his right hand on Dari's left shoulder.

Dari looked straight into the Periji's emerald green eyes and saw compassion and understanding.

"Remember what Sheilin said. The choice that led to your parting was already made and it can no longer be undone, not even by the Creator. You have to do as you must even if it hurts sometimes. Besides, you will see them again after your training."

"Of course, you're right, Periji," Dari said as he looked straight into the dancing flames of the camp fire. "Of course..."

The Periji took his hand off Dari's shoulder and took another sip of kopi. As if that was some sort of cue, the rest of them took their cups and took a sip themselves.

Dari knew that the Periji was right. There was nothing he could do to change the past. He didn't ask to be given the bayahara and he didn't have any choice in the matter. The last ten days had been very difficult for him, but he knew that he had to reach the Perangar Eranga so he could learn how to become a proper bayaharadu. He closed his eyes as he took a sip from his cup and prayed to Amai for strength and guidance.

"I think the sausages are ready," Jesi announced after a few minutes of silence.

"Ah, good. I'm famished!" Dari said, trying to sound as normal as he could. He managed to smile at Jesi who returned it with an awkward one.

Soon, they were all breaking their fast in a merrier mood than usual. Everyone seemed to be enjoying their meal except for Dari. The sausages were exceptionally good, but somehow, he couldn't bring himself to enjoy what he was eating. The faces of Amyi and Anya kept appearing in his mind and he was trying hard not to burst into tears. He didn't want the others to think that he was weak, which was a strange feeling for him. He didn't mingle much with other people back in Arang. He didn't really think about what others would think of him because as far as he was concerned, nobody knew him. He was just a lowly a peratani back then. He had no friends in Arang, not even amongst the children of the other fisherfolk. He only had his parents for company. He only had to think about what his parents thought of him. He had known them all his life and he knew what they expected of him. But it was different now, he reckoned. He had companions now, but they were not his parents. They were strangers to him until recently and he didn't have much experience relating with others. He was also a haradu now, and people had expectations of people like him, which was very different from when he was just a fisherman's son.

"We should break camp soon," Sheilin suggested after seeing that everyone was almost done with their meal. "We don't know how long the forest would be docile."

"Right..." Jesi said, looking around nervously as he chewed on a piece of bread. "We should be in Gelang by midday."

After everyone had consumed the last morsel of food on their tin plates, each of them moved to break the camp as they had done so in the last few of days. Everyone knew what needed to done so, in just a few minutes, all five of them were mounted and ready to go. Jesi and Dari led their company on Marena, followed by Sheilin and Alyana on Serina, and the Periji on Vinara followed behind them. They kept the horses to a steady trot along the pedani road under the shade of redwood, marblewood, and hardwood trees. The forest animals remained calm, but they still kept their ears and eyes sharp for any signs of hostility. They met a few pedani carts heading north along the way but they didn't pay them much mind. After about an hour or so, Jesi started to hum to himself.

"That song..." Dari started, making Jesi look back towards him. "I know that song. My Anya used to sing that to me when I was younger."

"Oh? My Amyi did the same," Jesi remarked, looking at Dari with wistful eyes.

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