Chapter Twenty Two

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OMG the season 2 trailer of the Originals was revealed at ComicCon and I just saw it for the first time today I'm so clueless!!!!!

It's amazing I can't wait for the return of Esther and Mikael oooh more Mikaelson family drama to come

I saw Kol so that's always a good way to start my day

AND I SPY THE NEW CHARACTER KALEB ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I miss Daniel in teen wolf but I'm happy he's landed a role in the originals I love him so much

Let's all keep our fingers crossed for some more steamy Klayley scenes!!!!!!! I'm so done with Haylijah :(

Remember to vote and comment :) I enjoy reading your comments so leave some below about how excited you are about October 6th (premiere of season 2)

*Hayley's POV*

"What if she gets trampled by werewolves, drowns in a lake, gets eaten alive, staked, kidnapped-"

"Love, you're being slightly over dramatic. Slightly."

I stop pacing up and down the living room of the bungalow and throw a glare at my boyfriend. Klaus is sprawled out on the leather sofa, watching me with an amused expression. I envy how relaxed and peaceful he is compared to me.

Ever since Rebekah returned with Hope, I've been twice as more over-protective whenever Hope isn't at least three feet away from me. She only sleeps and eats but she's at the age where she needs her mother the most.

I want to make up for lost time and I'm compensating for the fact I've been a pretty lousy mother. So far all I've done is protect Hope from the dozens of supernaturals out for her blood. But that's not enough. There's more to being a mother.

"Sit down." Klaus straightens and pats an open seat next to me. I sigh loudly and plop down beside him. His arm encircles around my waist and draws me closer to him. I rest my head on her shoulder and inhale his familiar, comforting scent.

His hand crawls up to my shoulder and he begins massaging it. "So tell me. What's wrong?"

My eyebrows shoot up and I can't hide my shock. Klaus...wanting to talk about feelings? I glance up at him and put a hand against his forehead.

"Why are you touching my forehead?"

"Just making sure you don't have a fever. So, um, you want to talk about my feelings? Klaus, we don't exactly do that."

He looks annoyed and stops massaging my shoulder. "I'm aware you go to Elijah or perhaps even Jackson to talk about your feelings to. I'm sorry I've resorted to being not even a choice at all."

I give him a hug which is slightly uncomfortable because we're tangled together on the sofa. "None of your jealousy nonsense. If you haven't noticed it hasn't been exactly easy talking to you. We barely even talk when we're together anyways. Sometimes I feel as if you don't understand my problems or seem to think your problems matter more."

Klaus rolls his eyes. "Can you blame me? Sometimes all you do is talk about yourself and I can't say anything. I have feelings too. But it seems like you're more interested in what you have to say. Maybe that's why you reach out to Elijah. He's so deep in love with you, he doesn't want to offend you.

I'm not scared of offending you so here's the truth: you're too absorbed in your own conflicts you don't notice anyone else's. Hayley, you're not the only suffering here.

But you want advice so here's some: you're going to have to accept you can't always be with Hope. You have to learn to deal with the constant worrying somehow otherwise you won't be able to function."

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