Chapter Nineteen

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When Klaus is asleep, he looks like an angel.

His beautiful pink lips are always etched in a withering frown or a sarcastic smirk. Rarely does he ever give anyone a genuine smile. But now, in his sleep, he's smiling softly.

The blondish hair framing his face are almost becoming curly and give him a younger, boyish look. His chest rises slowly and I can tell it's one of those good rests. Usually we both can't sleep because when we do, nightmares of someone hurting Hope clouds our minds.

I feel terrible waking him up from his peaceful rest. I gently shake his shoulders. He doesn't turn or anything. Jackson nudges me and silently hands me a cup of water. I take it and pour the cold liquid all over his face.

In an instant, Klaus stumbles out of bed, baring his teeth and drawing out his claws. Jackson leans against the wall with a terrified expression. Klaus looks extremely pissed. I'm surprised he hasn't ripped off my head yet.

His eyes soften when he notices my fear-stricken face. He slips on a blue shirt hanging from the bedpost and stands up. "What's wrong sweetheart?"

"It's Hope. We need to go the bayou right now. I'll explain later."

Klaus shoots a glare at Jackson. "I won't rip out your heart but don't think you're forgiven entirely." Jackson nods quickly and he turns to me. "Let's go to the bayou right now."

In a flash, we're racing down to the bayou. It's north of the forest but Jackson knows the shortest trails like the back of his hand. In six minutes, we're inside the bayou, making sure not to accidentally run into the huge, ferocious wolves protecting the perimeter.

Elijah is sitting down on a log, writing in his leather journal. We walk over to him briskly. He notices us and tucks away his journal. "Good afternoon, is there something wrong?" Elijah asks, confused.

"Where's Kristine?" I demand in lieu of a hello.

Elijah points to a wooden cabin near the edge of the lake. "She was in there last time I checked."

I turn to the men and say," Klaus, stay here. If I'm not back in five, come after me. Jackson, secure the forest in case anything happens like Kristine runs away with the baby. Elijah, tell Rebekah to keep her eyes out for Kristine and roam the town in case she left the bayou."

I can sense their annoyance from taking orders from a very bossy woman. I can tell all three like to be in charge but thankfully they listen. I guess being a "queen" comes with the privilege of having respect of people around you and demanding respect as well.

I walk towards the cabin. My heart is pounding and my palms are already getting sweaty. A million thoughts race through my mind. What do I even say to her? She's not who she claims to be and now I have no idea how to act towards her. I shouldn't be angry or nervous or upset. She'll find out I know the truth and possibly try to kill me.

Before I know it, I'm at the door. I knock loudly. I can hear someone walking inside the cabin. Finally the door opens and Kristine pokes her head through. She looks surprised and I can see the flash of fear cross her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" she asks. She opens the door and I step in. The cabin is very small and it's mainly reserved for boating and fishing supplies. It smells heavily like fish and oil. There are lit lanterns attached everywhere. Several small boats are propped up against walls. There's one however that's on the floor ready to be used. A blanket, a tin probably full of food, and baby toys are laid out inside it.

"No reason. What are you doing here?" I repeat her own question in an accusing tone. I'm not telling her anything before she explains herself.

Kristine shrugs. "I thought I'd take Hope out for a boat ride." I glance at Hope whose currently sitting in a small wooden boat, playing with her tiny doll. She looks content and peaceful.

I study Kristine. I know her intentions. The "boat ride" is possibly a way to leave the bayou with Hope without raising suspicion. I feel a flare of anger grow inside of me at the thought of this vile woman escaping with my daughter. How dare she.

"I lied. I do have a reason. I came by because I missed my daughter," I say in a milder tone. I scoop Hope out of the boat and nuzzle her neck. She puts her tiny arms around my neck and kisses me.

Kristine watches us with an amused expression and sits down on a rocking chair. The chair is kind out of place in a cabin reserved for boats.

"Hayley, tell me the real reason why you're here. I can sense your urgency and fear from a mile away. Give me the truth."

I sharply look at her. "You want the truth? I know you're a lying bitch. Jackson did some research. If you're the daughter of the woman you claim is your mother, you shouldn't even exist. I don't know what your intentions are with my daughter but I know they're not exactly taking her out for an actual boat ride."

Kristine barks out a cold laugh. Suddenly, her once pretty eyes turn frosty and her lips are pulled back in a snarl. "Okay. You got me. I'm not a Labonair. And before you twist my neck, I'm not working for that hag, Esther. I'm from a different pack in New Orleans. And not Francesca's pack."

I raise an eyebrow. "There's another pack?"

"Yes you idiot. That's what I said. And guess what, honey? They hate you. See I was sent down here because my pack leader is furious there's a tribid. Too much power for one wolf pack."

"Hope doesn't belong to this wolf pack. She has nothing to do with this bullshit."

"Oh dear Hayley, as long as your the mother of that abomination in your arms, you're both a threat to wolf packs everywhere. Soon, your wolf pack will have so much power, you'll wipe out the inferior ones."

I shake my head. "You're delusional."

"And you're an idiot for believing me so quickly that I'm a Labonair. You literally just invited me to your doorstep without even researching me yourself. You're so desperate for a real family, you'll believe any lie."

Her words hit me like stones. It's true. I was so eager to believe she was my cousin. I just want a real big family. Like how Klaus has his siblings. I envy that. And now my foolishness has again cost my daughter's life.

"Leave now and don't bother me, my wolf pack, or my family. Kristine, I don't want to fight you, I'm tired of fighting. I promise you Hope will no longer be a threat."

Kristine shakes her head. "Hayley dear, I grew to like your family after staying with them for a while. I'd hate to watch you die. But my wolf pack comes before anything."

"I know you secretly have feelings for Elijah. If you jeopardize this, you'll lose him too."

"I do have feelings for him but- my wolf pack," Kristine whispers. She looks conflicted. I edge closer to her and put a hand on her arm. I understand where she's coming from. I know deep inside she doesn't want to hurt my family.

"Listen, tell your pack that I'll agree to meet with their leader and talk it out. It's a better idea than abducting Hope. But warn your pack that if they lay their hands on my daughter again, I won't rest till each of them dies."

"I'm so sorry Hayley. I've been taught to view you and your family as the enemy. Now after being confronted like this, I guess I change my mind. I'm sorry." And with this, Kristine flashes out of the room. And I know she's heading back to her pack but I don't stop her. I should've stopped her and killed her but I didn't.

Before I can leave, the door bursts open. Klaus enters the room wildly. He spots me and Hope in the middle of the room by ourselves.

"What happened? Where is she?"

I explain everything to him. He's perplexed by the idea of another wolf pack in New Orleans. Since the witches have lost power, the vampires and wolves are under our reign, and Francesca has ceased her attacks, there hasn't been any other political conflict. However now that there's apparently another smaller wolf pack, everything will change.

Along with the threat of Esther lurking, there's another set of supernaturals out for Hope's blood.

It seems like this family can never catch a break :( thank you for the outstanding number of reads, comments, and votes. They mean a lot to me and I can't thank you all enough :) <3 in the next chapter there will be more of Esther so stay tuned

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