Chapter Four

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To say the least, Kristine Labonair is the French Quarter's It Girl.

The surviving, lingering vampires, Marcel's former followers, are mesmirized by Kristine's beautiful physique. Even though she's a werewolf, the vampires are tripping over their own feet to welcome her. One guy even fought over another to carry her suitcases into the guest room. The vampires are sort of like Klaus' servants in return for a shelter at the quarter. Now, they've become Kristine's maids. It's like she's cast a love spell over these lustful vampires.

Rebekah is enthralled by the silk garments and exquisite jewelry Kristine has stowed away in her luggage. The tight, revealing dresses- Rebekah's favorite- seem to aid in Rebekah's approval of Kristine. "As long as you share those beautiful clothes of yours, you're welcome to stay as long as you like," Rebekah had said to which Kristine happily agreed to. They got along like sisters, sharing interests in the cute vampires, shoes, blouses, and adventures. It's like she's replaced me with a better version of... me.

Elijah is absolutely fascinated by Kristine's sob story. He hangs onto her every word like each syllable is laced with a charm that keeps Elijah from leaving her side. He's been offering her food since the minute she's stepped in until I rudely told him to fuck off. Even wounded by my harshness, he shrugged it off and began engaging in dull conversations with her.

Now, we're at the huge, oak dinner table reserved for formal dinner, watching Kristine stuff her thin face with pastries. Klaus isn't here. Apparently, he has unfinished business with the witches faction. They're begging him for money for the funerals of the dead witches. The witches have been suffering financial issues, and they're like pesky dogs, begging for Klaus' help.

"This is so good," Kristine moans and shoves an entire Eclair au Chocolat down her throat. Her sultry eyes are trained on Elijah's as she finishes the last of the pastry. I roll my eyes. Classic werewolf slut. She's acting exactly like me when I first arrived at Mystic Falls. Did I seem that desperate when I threw myself at Tyler? Maybe Klaus was right.

Speaking of Klaus, he enters through the door with a relaxed expression. He catches sight of us and raises his eyebrows at Kristine. She throws him a flirty smile. "If it isn't the big, bad hybrid," she whispers, her voice low and sexy.

Klaus chuckles and sits down in the chair right next to hers. "I apologize for not introducing myself, but it seems you already know who I am. Then again, who doesn't?"

Kristine gives a high-pitched laugh and puts a hand on his arm. I scoff at his big ego and her not so subtle flirting.

"I'm Niklaus, but you may call me Klaus. I'm otherwise known as the most handsome out of the Mikaelson brothers," Klaus says, his voice equally low and sexy. He takes her hand and kisses it.

"Well, I can't disagree with that," Kristine says and bites her lip seductively. Elijah looks crushed, and Rebekah stifles a laugh when she notices his reaction.

"Great. You two seem to be well acquainted. As much as I love watching the two of you not-so discreetly eye-rape each other, I have better things to do." I stand up roughly, my chair toppling over, and I walk to my room.

"What crawled up her ass?" Kristine murmurs in the distance.

Enraged, I lock myself in my room and throw myself at my bed. "Get it together, Hayley. You're not sixteen," I mutter and bury my face in my pillow. Seriously, I'm acting like a petty, selfish teenager. I'm a twenty two year old mother. I should've harbor such rage at my own family member for displaying interest at two very handsome and powerful men.

I lie down on my back and face the ceiling. There's a portrait of Klaus, Hope, and I in the corner of the room. He painted it and gifted it to me as a reminder. "So you never forget who your family is," he had said and kissed my head. I smile at the memory, a warm feeling in my stomach.

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